Index – National – What can Christmas relief bring to health?


Christmas relaxation is likely only possible if it becomes clear in the coming days that the restrictive measures introduced in early November have managed to control the epidemic. However, with the possible lifting of restrictions, not everyone can breathe a sigh of relief: the workload of hospitals is not expected to decrease significantly and there is legitimate concern that the situation could worsen again as a result of large family meetings.

While everyone is concerned about how they can celebrate Christmas this year, many health professionals already know that they will be working on this holiday because the virus does not take into account the calendar.

Andrea Ficzere, President of the Hungarian Hospital Association, General Director of Uzsoki Street Hospital, told Index:

By Christmas, all cooperative patients who are in stable condition and no longer require hospital care will be sent home from Covido, possibly with a positive test, and compliance with quarantine rules at home can be guaranteed. .

However, thousands are expected to be hospitalized in the last days of December and hundreds of them will need intensive care for the coronavirus. In light of this, the increased physical and mental stress that has been going on for months, posing even a particular challenge for doctors and nurses transferred from other departments, is likely to be minimally alleviated.

Andrea Ficzere said that she does not keep any secrets, that she is very worried about the hospital staff because they are very tired, the burden on them is enormous and not only for the many patients. They also want to perform at home with hardly knowing their loved ones, and all of this leads to visibly draining their strength and patience.

You have to find the golden mean

At the same time, it means a lot that the number of patients admitted to the hospital has not increased dramatically for some time, in fact, a plateau is being reported in several places, and this means a ray of hope that the second wave it will end some day. That is why it is very important to be careful with any Christmas relay, it would be a shame to break the current good trend.

Everyone should feel a personal responsibility to see if it depends on whether the number of people infected and those needing hospital care and mechanical ventilation increases again, Andrea Ficzere said. He added that he is aware that spiritually everyone is very exhausted by the current situation, he already wants to see his distant relative, but now he has to find the golden mean.

It is not yet clear whether the restrictions imposed on November 9, perhaps at the last minute, have made Christmas not about the epidemic. Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said a few days ago that he wanted a Christmas without restrictions, and now that

doctors and scientists are against any kind of relaxation.

According to biostatistician Tamás Ferenci, the situation is that no one can predict with certainty in advance how the epidemic will develop in three weeks, but it is not yet known whether the restrictions introduced around the same time ago managed to slow the spread of the virus. .

An associate professor at the University of Óbuda has been monitoring the spread of the epidemic since its outbreak, collecting and analyzing official data in a single database. Based on these, it can be seen that with the full shutdown in the spring we were able to control the spread of the infection very well, and also that the number of coronavirus cases and deaths increased very rapidly as a result of the two-month drop with a minimal moderation. The third option, when there are restrictive measures but the closure is not complete, is now being tested.

According to Tamás Ferenci, the current measures are drastic in relation to the gravity of the situation, and based on international examples, similar Czech or Austrian steps, the epidemic situation is expected to improve also in Hungary, the question is to what extent. It is important to see that these only take effect 2-3 weeks after introduction, or even only a month in the case of deaths.

However, it should also be noted that if the epidemic curve flattens permanently, basic and situation-specific precautions (known as boredom, but still basic distance, masking, and hand washing) should be observed and maintained until community immunity (flock). That is, until between 60 and 70 percent of the population is protected from the coronavirus, either by having already contracted the infection or by having been vaccinated. Otherwise, the epidemic, if it is of different intensity, will start again.

Cover image: MTI Photographer: Péter Komka
