Index – National – We observe how the vaccination of teachers began


After 9 in the morning we arrived at the Rókus Hospital a few minutes later. The vaccination of teachers began today, although Miklós Kásler, head of the Ministry of Human Resources, made it clear two weeks ago that teachers would not receive a vaccine out of turn.

On April 19, education will return to classroom form, and perhaps under pressure from professional organizations, perhaps at its own discretion, the government has decided to give preference to teachers as part of its critical infrastructure.

Those who signed up before March 24 were invited for inpatient vaccinations on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Those who indicated their intention before midnight on March 29 can wait until the week after Easter.

At Rókus we were greeted by a relatively long but fast line. We asked for a photography permit in advance, but we did not receive it. We asked some of the vaccinators what time they arrived and, with the help of our unrepresentative survey, we concluded that the slippage was not too great.

An inscription seen at the entrance revealed that there is some kind of separation between residential and teacher vaccination. For those waiting in the street, this did not mean two separate groups. Some soldiers arrived with paper in hand, but only later did we learn what kind of protection the teachers had.

I had to wait about ten minutes, they took the teachers out of the line and we could enter. And inside we had to stop where the teachers were vaccinated, there was a person in front of me, even with the filling of the papers and the questions we left quickly

Andrea Annamária Duka, who had just been vaccinated, told the Index about her experience, who received a text message around Thursday.

The primary school teacher said, confused, that they had received practically no advice.

I had to sit for twenty minutes after that, nothing more was said. For example, I know from my GP that after the first dose, it will probably only hurt my arm, but you need to pay more attention than the second, there may already be side effects reminiscent of a cold.

By the way, Duka sees that the children lack the school community, along with the personal presence of the teachers, and vice versa. For the moment, however, he believes that the safety of interests and reason are even more important to everyone, so that students may already feel mental exhaustion during last year’s quarantine period.

It was easier for them to switch to digital education this year than it was last year. Educators and children have learned a lot in this area as well, but consider physical presence, community strength, and progress with peers to be irreplaceable.

Based on the information we have learned so far about the epidemic and vaccination, I do not consider the return on April 19 to be a safe and well-thought-out decision for teachers, children and, through them, parents and many. members of your community. environment.

– answers our question about the risk you think the opening has after the first dose.

He maintains that the school is a brutally mobile place where it is impossible to control the epidemic. And children are not vaccinated yet, but they can take the virus home the same way as before, and their parents will not get the vaccine sooner.

I find it dangerous, and I don’t think it makes sense that it can’t be taught to us again in person after the second dose, which provides safer protection, and that in this way we can leave more people for a few days due to the Se they expect stronger symptoms, which will be much more stressful.

The decision, however, has already been made, according to the current position, on April 19 the classrooms will be filled despite the fact that several professional organizations ask the government not to insist on “a fictitious date in which the protection of the multitude of educators is certainly insufficient “.

(Cover image: Duka Andrea Annamária. Photo: Tamás Sóki / Index)
