Index – National – We already know when there will be Siberian frosts in Hungary


Wednesday, will continue to tear from the west, the clouds will subside. At noon, there will be fewer clouds in the east, and for most of the day, the sun will shine for several hours in addition to the cloud passing.

In the morning, in the morning, it is likely that it will rain snow in the east and, in some places, snow showers. The northwesterly wind mainly strengthens in the central part of the country, as well as in the north of Transdanubia, and in some places it becomes more stormy.

The lowest night temperature is likely to be between 0 and minus 5 degrees. The highest daytime temperature is between 1 and 5 degrees, the National Weather Service said.

After a frosty and cold morning, the comforting sun arrives

After a frosty and cold morning, the comforting sun arrives.

The situation does not change significantly on Thursday either, but on Friday it may be minus 12 degrees again. On Saturday clouds are expected, with more or less sun and occasional snowfall. In the east, in some places, the air can cool below minus 15 degrees. Just follow the cold for real.

On Sundays, the mercury thread in the thermometer can drop to minus 18 degrees in snow-covered eastern landscapes.
