Index – National – Viszkis escaped from prison in seven minutes


Attila Ambrus, better known as Viszkis, vividly remembers the Saturday that he escaped from the Gyorskocsi Street prison almost 22 years after his brave escape. It only took seven minutes and painstaking preparation.

In the new season of the program titled Closed with Péter Hajdú, which began on Life TV on Friday night, he brought to life the events of July 10, 1999. Ambrus took advantage of the serial errors of the authorities and abandoned the object strictly guarded almost without interruption.

Avoid the banks of the Viszkis

Attila Ambrus has only been in the bank twice since its release and the systems have been frozen.

Specifically, I left in seven minutes. He had money, a police shirt, a rope, but even a screwdriver. Of course I also had help. The information came, went and brought me the money I needed to live after the escape. By the way, they brought me his horse wrapped in toilet paper, because they did not take the examination of the packages as seriously there as later.

– Viszkis said, then recalled that he also suffered injuries during the escape:

I didn’t swim to get away without getting injured, but not because things didn’t go as planned. Originally, I would have lowered the rope from the first floor, which I hit with sheets and towels, but they worked on the first, they worked on the second, so I was finally able to get out of a third-floor office. For this, of course, I had to complete the rope, which I solved with cables and extensions. I descended from more than twenty meters and the plastic burned in my palm for a lifetime. In the end I jumped from five feet and both ankles popped out. All I can be thankful for is that I managed to get away with it so much that the four hundred four hundred thousand florins were hidden in my shoes, and these lumps softened the fall.

Viszkis' book is also a bestseller in Iran

At that time he sold the rights to the former bank robber, but now he claims part of them.
