Index – National – Viktor Orbán will give a speech this morning


Last week, Viktor Orbán decided to postpone the traditional evaluator of the year due to the coronavirus epidemic, and in February he will not report online about the previous year or this year’s plans. The prime minister will address the opening session of the spring session of parliament on Monday, which can also be seen as an annual review.

For the first time in 1999, an annual evaluation speech was held, traditionally delivered by Viktor Orbán at the beginning of each year. In his speech, he reviews the previous period and designates government tasks for the following period.

The Index has compiled what the speeches of the last 22 years have been about.

A new way of doing politics

For the first time, Vigadó gave way to the hitherto unusual political genre. In his speech, the prime minister criticized both the previous Horn government and the Bokros package, which they launched in 1995 as an economic package. The president of Fidesz summarized the cabinet’s plans and the government’s tasks in 37 points.

In the year of the millennium, Viktor Orbán also spoke at Vigadó, where he mentioned that 1999 was the last year of the regime change. Regarding the government’s economic model, he stated that the objective is to reduce inflation and increase the number of jobs. Then came the well-known phrase:

three rooms, three children, four wheels.

The head of government called 2001 the most successful year of the post-regime change period, and in his analogy described the past as a time when the country was still bumping into the waves like a ship adrift. The prime minister stressed that while ten years ago only one in twelve young people could enter a university or college, today one in three can sit at a school desk.

In 2002, it was also clear in his speech that winning the spring elections was at stake. In his annual evaluator, he not only took into account the results of the previous year, but also traced the successes achieved in the four years of governance, mentioning the new bridges of the Danube and the increase in employment. He said:

Hungary was in the field.

He promised to introduce important social policy concessions for the future and encouraged everyone: “Come vote, because a Sunday morning is worth four years.”

On the other hand

The 2002 parliamentary elections ended with the victory of the left, so in February 2003 Viktor Orbán already commented on the previous year as an opposition, which could be traced throughout his speech. He stressed that the government has an obligation to destroy and has not fought for proper membership conditions during EU membership.

Similar elements can be seen in the rhetoric of the next two years; He described 2003 as a year of downsizing for Hungarian families, adding that thanks to the Medgyessy government, there was anxiety in the country. At the same time, progress along offsets has emerged as a solution.

Regardless of party affiliation or leanings, we are all interested in making everyone a winner. This is the common ground that is enough to make an alliance between them.

The year of the surcharge, Viktor Orbán characterized 2004, which was preceded by a visit to four rural towns. In the Circle Hall, where he exceptionally did not speak from the pulpit, he shared his concern about the Hungarian public debt and high drug prices while sitting among the spectators.

Gyurcsány also appreciates

This year, Ferenc Gyurcsány decided to follow Viktor Orbán’s one-year evaluation speeches. In his first speech, he spoke about the transformation of the tax system and higher education, as well as development opportunities for the next decade.

The President of Fidesz recalled in his evaluation the following year, in 2006, that the National Theater and the Sports Stadium in Budapest were built during the time of Fidesz, and finally the

Come on Hungary, come on Hungarians! he yelled with an exclamation.

In 2007, Viktor Orbán’s speech focused on the memorable autumn speech, and this year the term “new majority” appeared for the first time.

The following year, in 2008, the annual evaluator did not draw on criticism from previous years, but on a referendum on the abolition of hospital tuition, visits and fees in March.

The future starts with a motto, yeah

It served a purpose: after the referendum, the SZDSZ withdrew from the ruling coalition.

In 2009, the president of Fidesz came up with a new slogan:

New address, Hungary, new address, Hungarians.

In his assessment of the year, he shared his thoughts on the global economic crisis, noting that the government is simply borrowing more and more.

New elections

Two months before the 2010 elections, after the shock of the autumn speech, Viktor Orbán was confident of victory. In his speech, he highlighted the recovery of the country’s economy, promised strong public safety and the creation of one million jobs. Ferenc Gyurcsány made his annual appraiser at the Hungarian Democratic Charter event; He spoke here that the Socialist Party could henceforth be a representative of parliamentary democracy.

The following year he spoke in a more militant tone. Ferenc Gyurcsány accused Viktor Orbán of building a dictatorship and affirmed that a new party must be formed with the transformation of the MSZP.

In 2011, Viktor Orbán was able to resume his post of annual evaluator at the Millenáris as Prime Minister. He unveiled a five-year plan for 2011 to be the year of renewal, 2012 the year of rebound, in 2013 the year of rise, it will be seen that we have started up and 2014 will be the year of prosperity.

In his next appraiser, Viktor Orbán spoke about the debt trap that even the socialists pushed the country into, and also approached European politics as a new element. According to

Europe is slowly turning like alcohol; inspires great goals and prevents us from achieving them.

In the evaluation of the following year, Viktor Orbán focused mainly on the results obtained so far. Hungary is doing better today than before and is more effective in tackling the crisis than most European countries, he said in a speech backed by a reduction in public debt, an expanding public works program and a birth rate in increase. In his 2013 speech, Ferenc Gyurcsány spoke of dictatorship, and for a year the DK president called the prime minister a “villain”. At the same time, Viktor Orbán did not focus on criticizing the opposition in 2014, but built his statement around three issues:

Where have we gotten, where have we gotten and what to do about it?

He asked the audience at the Millenáris. The electoral evaluator closed with a militant and powerful exclamation:

Blow the horns and the saddle because we’re leaving tomorrow morning!

The narrative changes

After Fidesz lost its two-thirds majority, Viktor Orbán said in his 2015 speech that it was just a dream that would be followed by calmer years. In his speech at the Bazaar, the renovated Castle Garden spoke in favor of working people, but also considered that defending the air cuts is an important task from Brussels. Subsequently, emerging migration became the focus of the Prime Minister’s speech.

We will not import crime, anti-Semitism and homophobia, there will be no illegal immigrant neighborhoods here, there will be no gangs hunting down our wives and daughters, we will even prevent and retaliate against attempts.

He said.

One of the highlights of Viktor Orbán’s speeches between 2016 and 2018 was pointed out by migration and the struggle with Brussels. In his view, pro-immigration policies from Western European countries have paved the way for the decline of Christian culture and the rise of Islam.

In 2019, the family came to the fore, when the Prime Minister announced the seven-point family protection action plan, under which the soft loan was extended and a soft loan of HUF 10 million was made possible, and of your payment.

Last year, Viktor Orbán’s speech was on three main themes. Among other things, he announced a climate action plan and also mentioned his views.

the best ten years of the last 100 years are behind us.

Viktor Orbán will not have a separate annual evaluator this year due to the coronavirus epidemic, but the prime minister will address the opening session of the spring session of parliament on Monday, which can be considered a kind of evaluator.

The Index, of course, will follow the parliamentary session. Stay with us from 11 am!

Cover image: Viktor Orbán on January 21, 2021. Photo: MTI / Prime Minister’s Press Office / Benko Vivien Cher)
