Index – National – Viktor Orbán: we vaccinate as many as we have vaccines


Five thousand health workers have already been vaccinated and now there are eighty thousand vaccines available. We have a vaccination plan that says if not everyone gets the vaccine, when will they first get it? Said Viktor Orbán in his first interview this year on Kossuth Radio’s Sunday Newspaper.

The prime minister said that health workers come first. There is currently a vaccine available to vaccinate 35,000 people. If millions of vaccines arrived tomorrow morning, vaccination points would also be designated where everyone could get vaccinated, the prime minister stressed.

In this connection, he spoke about the fact that there are many thousands of computer terminals in Hungary, if many have to be vaccinated at the same time, it can happen at these computer terminals, where people tend to vote at other times. But not many millions of vaccines will arrive at once, he added.

We also order the vaccine and then Brussels distributes the doses among the Member States.

Viktor Orbán explained, citing Israel as an example, where vaccines were available before. In addition to the West, the government is also monitoring vaccines developed in the East, the prime minister said.

According to Viktor Orbán, the Russian vaccine is good, but it will be small, the Chinese one will be good and it is expected that many more doses of it will come out. He sees that the final decision will have to be made by Hungarian experts on whether they will accept the Chinese vaccine.

In addition to the jointly ordered quantities from Western pharmaceutical manufacturers and the EU quota, separate agreements can also be concluded, which are being examined by Hungarian officials, the prime minister noted. He added that changing information is coming in, manufacturers cannot say the exact number and production dates of the vaccine. It is summarized as follows:

The question is, is there a vaccine? If he’s here, we’ve been vaccinated. If there are many, we have vaccinated a lot, if few arrive, we have vaccinated little, but we must stop our imagination as to what would be good.
