Index – National – Viktor Orbán: Poland will be the new Germany of Europe


We are fully armed awaiting the second wave of the epidemic, said Prime Minister Viktor Orbán on Kossuth Radio, Good morning Hungary! in its broadcast on Friday.

The prime minister recalled that Miklós Kásler and Mihály Varga had already indicated that there would be a second wave, so they worked on this in the summer and did not dissolve the operational staff. According to him, the success of the defense depends on whether the people agree and accept the measures. He also spoke about the national consultation on epidemiology, saying that between 1.7 and 1.8 million people had returned the questionnaires and that his government had three things at once:

  • Lives have to be saved and the elderly are at greater risk.
  • It is necessary to create the necessary tools to manage schools.
  • The economy must be kept viable and up to date.

He also spoke about the increased responsibilities of young people and the need to ask them to adapt to the conditions, the life of the elderly is also in their hands. Great capacities have been developed in hospitals and

they can produce everything they need except the vaccine.

International organizations have a very good practice, according to them, we are also following the protocols in testing, he added. He thinks that the whole world is in trouble, each change must be handled carefully so as not to fall into a worse situation. Ten times more people have died in Sweden than in Hungary, the disease is reaping better abroad, the Prime Minister noted.

Regarding the entry restrictions introduced in early September, the prime minister said a complete shutdown could not be ordered because traffic and transportation could not be stopped. It considers it important that the government enforce the necessary restrictions, so the rules are constantly being negotiated and refined.

The virus does not appear the same in all parts of the country, so the government is investigating all matters and they will switch to digital education where necessary, the prime minister reported on schools. He said security was paramount in the spring and the government adopted a general rule, but a more adaptive defense will apply in the future. Digital education is not as good a solution as when it is taught in person, as teachers not only have to pass the knowledge on to children, said Viktor Orbán, adding that the entire country is grateful to teachers for adapting to the difficult situation.

Regarding the processes that are taking place in the European Union, the Prime Minister said that at the time of the epidemic of “man is speaking it abroad”, it is worth being cautious in strategic matters, but he sees that Europe does not it can tell where it will be in a decade. He recalled a 2012 EU economic study that described migration as a useful trend and that, compared to forecasts, processes were accelerating better than expected and “Europe is lagging behind much faster than before.” According to the Prime Minister, the big Member States must answer the big strategic questions, and Hungary will also do its part.

We will be surprised that in ten years Poland will be the new Germany of Europe

Viktor Orbán closed his thoughts.
