Index – National – Viktor Orbán is free, which is not the case of Little Count?


As the Index wrote, after the funeral of the artist known as the (Great) Artist Count in Szolnok on December 19 last year, the police fined him for not complying with protective measures because more than 50 people gathered. According to Kristóf Gál, a police spokesman at the time, “given the

Furthermore, no action was taken against the mourners ”on the spot, and a fine was later imposed on them for what happened at the event.

However, due to the crowd gathered at Mayor Ákos Kriza’s funeral in Miskolc on January 30 (in which Prime Minister Viktor Orbán spoke), the police have already rejected an individual’s report. There was no problem that there were more than 50 people saying: a


epidemiological restriction does not apply.

What is the difference between the two funeral services?

Given that the funeral of Count the Great was called a “church ceremony” by the police itself, and its justification in another case indicated that the “ceremonies of religious communities” were not subject to epidemiological restrictions, the Index asked the Headquarters of the National Police exactly what The difference was between funerals and burials, between ceremony and ceremony.

According to the response of the ORFK Communication Service:

As of 484/2020. (XI. 10.) of the Government of the Republic of Hungary, it is prohibited to be present at the event venue, with the exception of Section 6, regardless of the event venue. Pursuant to Section 6 (4) of the Government Decree, the number of persons present at the funeral cannot exceed fifty. At the same time, according to Section 5 (4), the ceremony of religious communities, with the exception of marriage and funeral, does not qualify as an event. Based on the foregoing, the interpreter’s funeral last year was protected by the aforementioned government decree, which is why the police acted there for violating the protection regulations.

Although the mayor’s farewell took place in the church, where the funeral was held as a church ceremony decided by the religious community, the participants were able to appear here without numerical restrictions. The burial (burial) of the deceased, several kilometers from the church, was open only to those with personal invitation, excluding the public, in private, where, according to the available recordings, the number of participants did not exceed fifty.

Therefore, the solution to the contradiction is that, according to current legislation, more people can stay indoors during an epidemic than outdoors.

(Cover photo: Prime Minister Viktor Orbán at the farewell to Ákos Kriza, former mayor of Miskolc, at the Lutheran Church on Hunyadi Street in Miskolc on January 30, 2021. Photo: Szilárd Koszticsák / MTI)
