Index – National – Viktor Orbán consulted with the representatives of cities with comarca status


Prime Minister Viktor Orbán held talks with the leadership of the Association of County Municipalities (MJVSZ) in Budapest in the framework of a series of consultations aimed at preparing new elements of the economic action plan

Bertalan Havasi, the prime minister’s press chief, briefed the MTI.

Everything you may know about the economic protection action plan so far

We have summarized what state measures have been taken so far to help the economy.

According to the meeting, Károly Szita, President of the MJVSZ, Mayor of Kaposvár, Co-President Attila Péterffy, Mayor of Pécs, Ferenc Szalay, Executive Vice President, Mayor of Szolnok, Lajos Kósa, Honorary President, the Chief Minister attended.

The meeting focused on the economic effects of the coronavirus epidemic and crisis management possibilities and tools, said Bertalan Havasi. Prime Minister Viktor Orbán spoke on Kossuth Radio on Friday morning about announcing further steps in the economic action plan on Saturday.

(Cover image: Viktor Orbán is negotiating with the leadership of the Association of Peoples with Comarcal Rights (MJVSZ) in the framework of a series of consultations aimed at preparing new elements of the economic action plan in Budapest at the Carmelite Monastery on 19 December 2020. Photo: Zoltán Fischer / MTI)
