Vera Jourová, Czech vice-president of the European Commission for Transparency (Rule of Law, European Values), specifically gave an interview to the Germans about the situation in Hungary and Poland. Frankfurter Allgemeneine Zeitungnak .
As the Hungarians and Poles say, they do not want unlimited state power. Speaking about the situation in Poland, he expressed concern that the electoral calendar has been changed and rewritten just before the election, which was previously scheduled for Sunday.
As for Hungary, he believed that although the cororn virus could require extraordinary measures, it was not without a time limit, and especially to restrict freedom of the press.
That is why Brussels watches over Hungarian and Polish events, especially the introduction of criminal sanctions against the press. He considered that the Authorization Law is one thing to support (no) and another to have the right to take action against it (no).
As he said, he is in constant contact with Hungarian NGOs and journalists and follows events.
Hungarian Justice Minister Judit Varga also responded to the interview. who wrote in his Facebook post “Taking the Nail Out of the Bag Again” that Vera Jpurová initially believed that the Hungarian coronavirus law was not contrary to EU law and that there was no need for EU action against Hungary.
but the network obviously put even more pressure on the actors, the first result of which was Yourova’s interview with the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung yesterday. “
– The Minister wrote on the net.
According to Judit Varga, Jourová openly threatens to withdraw money from the EU and is going back to the well-known method that if they cannot be bound by specific legislation, they will start to lecture on the need to analyze what is happening in Hungary in context. “
As the Prime Minister says,
if the atmosphere in Hungary is so terrifying that freedom of expression cannot exist. What do index.hu, 444.hu, 24.hu, hvg.hu, hirklikk.hu and colleagues have to say about this? So where should they stop?