Index – National – Union fears a fourth wave of school openings may begin


Education can be safely reopened once post-vaccination protection for teachers is fully established, Tamás Totyik, vice president of the Teachers Union (PSZ), told InfoRádió that 75 percent of those who work in education have already been enrolled for vaccination.

Five unions – the Democratic Union of Teachers, the Union of Hungarian Musicians and Dancers, the Hungarian Union of Public Education and Vocational Training, the Union of Christian Teachers and the Union of the Chemical Industry – would link the opening of schools to the second vaccination because they fear that it does not give them enough protection, therefore

the infection can jump out, leading to a fourth wave.

The PSZ vice president also spoke of his calculations that the first week of May could be the return date, and thus the graduation exams could be carried out in calmer conditions. Tamás Totyik also added that the resumption is considered eligible if the death toll from the epidemic falls below one hundred per day.

The expert acknowledged that the current form of education, parental supervision of children, in addition to the home office, is a serious challenge, but it is still a question of whether health risks or working conditions pose a greater burden on families.

The return, starting with elementary school students, could even be gradual, but they can only accept a presence in the classroom if educators have received both doses of the vaccine or have been ill. As far as they know, in addition to the 75 percent registered for vaccination, 25 percent of the teachers have already contracted the infection.

According to the current position, despite protests from various teachers’ unions, schools will open on April 19.
