Index – National – Under investigation, but a vaccine can be ordered from a private company for 5000 HUF


Since September, it has been possible to reserve a vaccine with a private company that is still officially under investigation. writes about:

the National Vaccination Center makes the coronavirus vaccine available for five thousand guilders. The private company had already promised that the amount would not be included in the price of the vaccine, but promised to be reimbursed if the offender had previously obtained the vaccine elsewhere.

The Ministry of Innovation and Technology is carrying out a consumer protection process against private companies. The authority verifies if the company is engaging in unfair business practices contrary to professional diligence and if there really is deliverable content behind the service offered.

The portal contacted the ministry where they were told that

The consumer protection investigation is still ongoing, with the earliest possible outcome in early 2021.

Despite the official investigation, a coronavirus vaccine can still be prescribed at the National Vaccination Center, and they were not bothered that the minister presiding over the Prime Minister’s Office, Gergely Gulyás, stated:

The news of vaccination programs organized out of state does not correspond to reality.
