Index – National – To open or not to open? – Here’s the vote for the Index!


A national consultation on the reopening was launched on Wednesday. Once we have entered our basic data in a nice line on the page created for this purpose, we can move on to the seven questions that have been addressed to us. We’ve already covered these in this article, and now we’re very curious about what Index readers think of the reopening, so we’ll cast a vote next.

We didn’t want to complicate it, and we didn’t – we don’t need a name, address, or email, and in fact, unlike the government, we don’t even ask for consent to contact the reader later.

however, we ask the same seven questions as in the consultation questionnaire and give two possible answers. there is no explanatory part.

We love voting as it reveals many, many interesting materials / articles / writings about the results, in a word, a useful data set. We see that the reader has a similar opinion: just look at the vote posted on the data theft article if you think you are reading it.

So it will be now, based on the results we will write what the reader of the Index thought. To open or not to open? – let’s see:

1. Some argue that restrictive epidemiological measures can be phased out. Others say this can only be done in one step at the end of the epidemic.

What do you think about this?

  • 5677

    Don’t rush, gradual opening is convenient

  • 1655

    When the epidemic is over, open everything at once

2. Those who are vaccinated or have suffered from the disease will receive a certificate of protection. Some are in favor of exempting cardholders from certain restrictive measures.

What do you think about this?

  • 4299

    I don’t support it, it just creates more tension in people

  • 2895

    It is very correct to allow those with a pass to finally live more freely

3. Some say that, as the epidemiological situation allows, the first step should be to ease the curfew after 8 pm.

Do you agree with that?

  • 4993

    Yes I agree. I did not understand at first what a curfew is necessary

  • 1907

    Now there are more important things than curfew, to face it

4. There are those who say that, as the epidemiological situation allows, restaurants and hotels should be restarted as a first step, subject to strict safety regulations.

Do you agree with that?

  • 5403

    I agree, it would be nice to finally sit down and have a good one, have a beer. Not to mention the situation of catering companies and hoteliers

  • 1204

    I do not agree with him

5. Some argue that, as the epidemiological situation allows, the first steps should be to restart sports facilities (such as swimming pools, gyms, gyms) with strict safety standards.

Do you agree with that?

  • 4392

    I agree, sport is important, I already lack movement and I would love to swim

  • 2015

    I do not agree, until now I could train in outdoor gyms, who wanted

6. Some say that those who have a protection certificate should be able to attend events, concerts, festivals or sporting events. Others say these events should not be held or made available to the public until the epidemic is over.

What you think?

  • 3366

    I don’t think it’s a good idea

  • 2700

    What I also answered in the previous question is that whoever has a security certificate can move more freely, go to concerts, cultural events, matches

7. Some people suggest that only foreigners who have been vaccinated or have a protection certificate can enter Hungary until the end of the epidemic.
