Index – National – Tick invasion again this year


As it was not a prolonged cold this year, most of the ticks survived the winter, so a new tick invasion is expected this summer, Gábor Földvári, principal investigator at the Center for Ecological Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, cited again. .

The common tick attacks the most in the spring and fall, and only causes most illnesses in the summer because we spend most of our time in the wild. The tick is active above 5-6 degrees even in winter, but can survive winter even in Siberia. They are capable of an inactive state, a kind of winter sleep, during which not only do they not move, but their metabolism is completely reduced, so they are able to survive very cold periods at ground level, outdoors. . They are then reactivated as time progresses.

Said the parasitologist. The main worker detected active ticks even in winter, for which an ideal food source due to the mild winter is also expected to increase the number of rodents.

As a result, the expert expects tick activity similar or even more intense than last year.

He specifically drew attention to the fact that ticks are recommended for pets year-round, and also mentioned that various alarm sprays and spacers intended for human use also do not provide 100% protection.

The tick does not jump against popular belief, but waits for the occasion at low or medium heights, on plants, at the ends of bush branches, and then, with its clawed feet, like a thistle, entangles itself in the dressed as a man or in skin. of animals. Most bloodsuckers are hidden by the Avar and the lush undergrowth of the forest.

That is why it is more effective to examine ourselves thoroughly after a walk or work in the garden. If the tick is removed that day, there is no chance for the pathogen to enter. If this only happens the next day, be aware of the location of the bite. You don’t have to think about Lyme disease for a 1-2 centimeter red lesion, but if it is larger than 4-5 centimeters, growing and migrating, you should definitely see a doctor.

The expert added.
