The Székesfehérvár police are asking the population for help in finding three underage girls, all missing in Fejér county – read the police reports.
Seventeen-year-old Anita Németh left her home in Székesfehérvár on October 11, 2020, in an unknown location, and nothing has been heard from her since. The girl is 155 centimeters tall, slender, with brown hair and brown eyes.
Photo: Police.hu
Szilvia Bönde, 17, who also disappeared, left for an unknown location on October 18, 2020, and has not shown any signs of life since. The 160-centimeter-tall, slim-bodied, blond-haired young man wears an ear dilator on his left ear.
Photo: Police.hu
Nikolics Vanessa also left her home in Székesfehérvár on October 11, 2020, and since then she has not heard from the 16-year-old’s whereabouts. The teenager is 165 inches tall, slim, with long black hair and brown eyes.
Photo: Police.hu
Staff from the Székesfehérvár Police Headquarters ask who can be seen in the images. Anita Németh, Szilvia Bönde and Nikolics Vanessza recognizes Ágnes or has information on her current location, come in person at the police station, call 06-22-541-600 or make a report by calling 06-80-555-111 24 hours a day. green number or toll-free emergency number 112!
The man also had a firearm and a grenade.