Index – National – This is how opposition parties reacted to the extraordinary announcement of Viktor Orbán


Viktor Orbán made an extraordinary announcement Tuesday night. The prime minister reported the decisions made at the government meeting in a video posted on his Facebook page.

Viktor Orbán: The extraordinary legal order will come into effect today from midnight

In mid-December, national hospitals will reach their capacity limits.

In the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic, indicators in Hungary are deteriorating, so the government has ordered further adjustment. As of midnight on Tuesday, the extraordinary legal system will come into force again, and the Government has asked Parliament to extend it for 90 days.

Viktor Orbán also announced that:

  • at events, you can only sit in one out of three chairs and wear a mask;
  • the authorities monitor all events and, when necessary, close the place immediately;
  • nightclubs are closed;
  • there will be a curfew between midnight and 5 am, everyone must get home before midnight;
  • on public transport, there will be congestion at the morning and afternoon peaks;
  • again, parking will be free nationwide.

Ferenc Gyurcsány (DK): The government is experimenting with the people

According to the president of the Democratic Coalition, Orbán’s announcement shows that the head of government does not know what is happening in the country. Gyurcsány complains that the Prime Minister did not say a word about schools, teachers, students, doctors and nurses, and about massive and free tests. It also says nothing about lost jobs and ruined businesses.

The DK president believes that the government is only making an alibi, so he is conducting a human experiment.

Better: Orbán and his emerging team are not in a position to cope with the epidemic

Jobbik frankly called it a terrifying admission that the prime minister was talking about our hospitals being able to reach their capacity limit by mid-December. The party believes that a sad Christmas awaits Hungarians due to the irresponsibility of the Orbán government, which, according to them, did not fully prepare the country for a second wave.

According to Jobbik, the government has not been toughened up until now because Viktor Orbán “feared the decline in popularity, he played waiting.” The setting just announced, they say, means that


Jobbik hopes the government will order full and free tests, release masks, make up for lost wages due to the epidemic, and help the unemployed.

Bertalan Tóth (MSZP): This is a balloon

The co-chairman of the Hungarian Socialist Party called the prime minister’s announcement a bogus measure, similar to a balloon that he said appeared large but empty inside.

Bertalan Tóth believes that free parking will not reduce the death toll from the epidemic, and the night curfew will not reduce the number of people infected.

Now we must not punish, but save lives and give sustenance to those who no longer have a reserve!

– believes the co-chair of the MSZP, who also wants free and massive trials.

Momentum: This is not crisis management, but alibi governance!

According to Momentum, while the entire population was screened in Slovakia and neighboring Austria, the government assumed the wage costs of troubled companies, the government protects the epidemic and the economic impact with free parking, emergency law enforcement, “municipal bleeding and soccer games”.

The party believes that “democratic obstacles” to the government will be removed once again with the introduction of a state of emergency, so that “the epidemic can finally be attacked”: tests of teachers, health workers, bailouts of companies on the brink. out of bankruptcy and helping the families left without.

The government, although it has been giving voice since the second wave will come in May, has not prepared for anything: those responsible have been sailing in the Adriatic, on vacation in the privatized Lake Balaton. And 10 million Hungarians pay a very high price for this.

– closes your statement on Momentum.

Tímea Szabó (Dialogue): Viktor Orbán is not only irresponsible, but also petty

The co-chair of the Dialogue, Tímea Szabó, also did not forgive the Prime Minister. An opposition politician wrote in a Facebook post that the prime minister is not taking real steps to protect people’s health and livelihoods, but is “kicking opposition cities and recovering their income.”

The measures announced by the Prime Minister are not able to cope with the current increase in the spread of the epidemic, the aim remains to preserve the budgetary resources earmarked for football and friends rather than a true epidemic and crisis management. People who have lost their jobs, closed businesses don’t get a penny.

– considers Tímea Szabó, according to whom the recently announced measures will not prevent the collapse of healthcare and the exhaustion of capacities.

The Dialogue policy would be successful if, as in Austria, Hungary’s secondary schools and universities switched to digital education, the state would compensate for the loss of income of companies forced to close and force jobs to switch to work from home wherever possible.

Evil and irresponsibility in the bucket! Viktor Orbán is not only irresponsible, but also petty. No real action needed, people …

Posted by Tímea Szabó – Tuesday, November 3, 2020
