Index – National: This Guide Will Help You Prepare for Coronavirus


Kovidők, an information channel linked to the names of two researchers in Szeged, published a comprehensive and informative 10-page guide on Sunday on what may be necessary to care for coronavirus patients at home.

The document lists what tools should be available at home during the course of the illness, such as a thermometer, antipyretic, blood pressure monitor and, in case of diarrhea, smect powder.

What to do if you suspect or confirm that you have contracted a coronavirus infection? * We help you prepare …

Posted by KOVIDők on Sunday, April 4, 2021

It is considered important to have a family contact person with you, who will go to the pharmacy or shop if necessary. It is also possible that we need the telephone number of our GP, whom we must consult immediately if we have any illness if we have certain illnesses; our identity card or identity card.

The advice of the Times is, among other things, to keep a diary of the disease, ventilate a lot and constantly measure the fever.

Index has previously written that Covid will launch “Weekly Weeks” with experts. Not just any team is made up: Anyone who has followed the pages of researchers who have spoken about the coronavirus on Facebook will come across many familiar names.

The editorial staff of the Szentágothai Research Center in Pécs will be in the editorial office, Ferenc Jakab and Gábor Kemenesi; clinical immunologist at the University of Debrecen, Zoltán Szekanecz; the Szeged team, that is, the Peter Horváth That and Bálint Kintses Biologist Marked Kovidők; Editor of the Facebook page of Thoughts of a Biologist; the Safe Hands Primary Pediatric Parent Forum and Kovid Tales.

In the 24 hours that elapsed until Sunday morning, 211 people died from the coronavirus infection in Hungary. The youngest of them was a 39-year-old man with hypertension and obesity as the underlying disease on the government information portal.
