Index – National – They fight for Lake Venice, although according to the mayor they do not even exist


Unfortunately, it is very likely that the Lake of Venice is no longer the same Lake of Venice that we are used to, even for the upcoming summer season. With this, the population can gradually say goodbye to another bathing place, where, unlike Lake Balaton, for example, we can still swim freely, without entry, in waters with an ideal temperature. Not to mention water sports and other water-related hobbies. Although no one has stated it officially and unequivocally so far, it is becoming increasingly clear that the objective is to welcome the direct incorporation into the lake, green spaces, especially the current free beaches.

In the background of all this, there are political and business interests that do not require special presentation, quick profit-making and selfish goals. In addition, there is no doubt that, on the contrary, the rather nomadic beaches of Lake Venice would be renovated and beautified, either paid for or for the moment for everyone to use.

This is not the first time we have visited Lake Venice. However, from this vantage point of a deserted, off-season Friday morning, it is particularly remarkable insofar as, for example, the free beach of Agárd (also known as Teen Beach) lacks, to put it mildly, a friendly infrastructure for the population. While on Lake Bánki, for example, the selective bins almost meet each other, there is certainly not much to walk here to finally find a simple and common trash can. We also see only one of the restroom buildings, and that’s not very reassuring, especially in these covid times. As we’ve already discovered, the placement of locker-shaped items and the slippery retro iron ladders that lead straight to the water wasn’t overstated here in Agárd either.

On hot summer weekends, when so many come in that you can barely put the towel down, sometimes you have to wait 20 to 30 minutes for the person to get in the water through all three expires and come out the same.

Explains Péter Vas, representative of the Facebook group Civilians for Lake Venice.

The retired electrical engineer, who has been visiting Lake Venice for nearly 60 years, is one of the civilians fighting for free and clean local shores. Péter Vas, who also has a holiday home on the site, revealed that the main source of the conflict is the local building regulations (HÉSZ), which can be changed at various stations in the case of Gárdony. And now it seems that there would be a demand from the local government, led by the mayor.

(The HÉSZ, which is developed by the representative body of the local government, can almost personalize the national legal framework according to local peculiarities, in no way relax it, in return. In most cases, please describe in detail, in detail precise, in what classified areas function, and what height, floor, width, length, etc. a building can be created, under what conditions, to change, the public must be informed and, of course, the permission of the authorities is required competent – HA)

According to Péter Vas, the mayor of Fidesz de Gárdony, István Toth, now wants to reclassify the beaches and coastal areas as well as the inland areas, and sell almost 3,000 square meters of land from the city’s real estate agency.

“The so-called protected coastal strip is currently 30 meters and cannot be built, in some places it is wanted to reduce it to 20 meters. There are a total of 5 paid beaches in Agárd and Gárdony. He wants to reclassify them so that they have a buildable area of ​​30 percent. percent compared to the previous 10 percent, saying that a changing room, shower and toilet could be built in the first round.

We just don’t understand why you set the installation height to nine and a half meters and a half after that. Who has seen a 10 meter shower? The same happens with the handball court, which also began as a changing room and shower, and then its buildable area also increased to 10 and a half meters.

When I asked the mayor why it was so great, the answer was, if he came here, where should the opposing team sleep. He wants to build houses in Hungarian, and municipal plots are more likely to be sold or rented if they can be built on them. “Learn the lesson from Vas Vas, who represents civilians outraged by the plans.

More than 5,000 signatures were collected

In fact, according to the law, a public forum prior to the HÉSZ municipal amendment initiative took place in Gárdony, where a relatively large number of people gathered. Since the rather hectic gathering at the end of July, the Civiles by Lake Venice Facebook group has drawn more than 680 supporters, and more than 5,000 signatures have been collected against the installation on the aHang interface along the cultivated shore. and ecological lake Venice.

The petition for the free and clean shore of the Gárdony (the full text of which can be read here) was then delivered to the city council on August 17 by Péter Vas, with a signature of around 4,700, addressed to the city council , which finally took over the signatures. At a meeting of the Board of Representatives called at that time, it was revealed that a contract had already been signed for the sale of a municipal area near the coast, which had become the property of Trout Camping. With this, 800 square meters of the free beach area of ​​Gárdony was lost.

When we met with Mayor István Tóth on Friday morning, he was noticeably upset by the call from another journalist, and then almost immediately we became involved in a debate about reality. When he found out that we were going to Gardony, he said that we should go back calmly, that we would no longer see him, because he was already on his way to his domestic vacation, and anyway there was nothing to see here, “time wasted dealing with it. “

According to him, the Association of Civilians by the Lake of Venice does not even exist, it is just an occasional community of interests formed mainly by owners of holiday homes in Budapest, who want to have a voice in the local affairs of the capital. He has been mayor for 15 years, so he has known the local NGOs he has worked with for a long time, but the team we mentioned is not like that, so there are none of the thousands of signatures collected in his world.

Even before refraining from further questions, István Tóth quickly said goodbye, adding that two months of his life had been about nothing more than this (nonexistent) case, of which he was completely satisfied. He listened to the (non-existent) civilians, against whom the population of Gárdony thinks differently, that he knows.

In comparison, Péter Vas argues that ordering the beaches of Lake Venice and old ruined coastal corporate resorts, decent conditions, environmental sustainability, protection of green areas and their peers are not just local but national needs and interests, for example, even if only we calculate that in summer the line leaves every hour from the South, and anyone is in Gárdony in 40 minutes (as well as by car when there is no traffic).

I cut all this off for a month and a half so we can’t avoid the incorporation or divestiture process anyway, so it’s a hit if we give the mayor a few nasty minutes. For example, after our demonstration and the delivery of the petition, when he took 6-8 cameras, the mayor was in a very uncomfortable position and he felt spectacularly ill being forced to answer questions from journalists, despite his disapproval. that he did not commit to dealing with the press.

Péter Vas remembers.

The representative of the civil protest also considers it a great achievement that they were subsequently received by the mayor, in the presence of his two deputies and the secretary. “I understand everything, but not why István Tóth does not tell the truth, and if he is already taking the areas away from the population and bathers, at least we want to know what area it is, what and when it will be built there. We even offer to help the mayor communicate this, just provide meaningful information, ”adds the organizer of the protest.

The Civiles for Lake Venice team, which claimed to have done its best politically so far, now expects opposition members of the Gárdony House of Representatives (3 of 12) to seize the opportunity of a referendum initiative Where locals have at least 50 with a turnout percentage, half of the voters and one more person must support the cause.

At the same time, we learn from civilians that many people on the ground continue to support the mayor of Fidesz. Of course, the construction authorities can still turn the tables, we will follow up on what they mean in the middle of a significant civil protest and what they will eventually allow the municipality of Gárdony.

The free beach was cordoned off at Gárdony

After the row of Venetian chairs with their backs, here is the Gárdony beach divided by a fence. The representative of Fidesz, László L. Simon, is also incomprehensible before the decision.

(Cover image: Trenka Atila)
