Index – National – There are few teachers and there would be a demand for them


Thanks to subsidies for housing construction initiated by the government, many families will embark on construction and renovation in the coming months. However, it is difficult to find a specialist even after waiting several months.

In mid-October, Katalin Novák, the minister without a portfolio responsible for families, announced that the government would launch a home renovation program as of January 1. According to an element of the program

The state bears more than half of the home renovation costs for families raising at least one child, that is, the price of construction and material, up to a maximum of HUF 3 million on one bill.

The Minister without a Family Portfolio also recalled that as of January 1, the VAT content of the sale of newly built homes will also increase from 27 to 5 percent. reduced.

There is a lot of interest

According to a recent analysis of the industry, the needs of the real estate market have changed not only because of the expansion of opportunities for state support, but also because of the viral situation. For example, those who passed the curfew in a prefab apartment moved every stone to change their apartment for a small house with a garden, a townhouse or a large terrace. Soft loans and family support measures are also available

the demand for single-family homes and rural properties has increased.

A recent survey by another construction company assessed the popularity of housing subsidy programs. This reveals that among the myriad home care options

  • 82 percent have heard of the new grants;
  • 61 percent rate it positively;
  • 26 percent of those surveyed plan to make sure they take advantage of one of the benefits.

Many of the programs want support for home renovation. Furthermore, the survey also reveals that half of the respondents would like to use the maximum amount of the latter aid, 3 million HUF.

According to construction specialist Béla Markovich, the new elements of the housing creation program

give a boost to the construction industry.

He stressed that as of January 1, the number of people who can benefit from the support will be significantly expanded, so the program will also encourage those who have not planned works before to renew.

However, this is expected to exacerbate the shortage of professionals.

Time is money

The 5 percent VAT refund, which will take effect on January 1, the home renovation subsidy and the shock, are expected to lead to a minor housing explosion, which could further exacerbate the already tortuous shortage of professionals, warns the expert.

Masons can be found faster, accepting work in an average of 88 days, while electricians only arrive an average of 130 days after consultation.

The greatest shortage of specialists is in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county (165 days), Békés county (145 days) and Vas county (134 days).

Unfortunately, these are not outstanding values. However, the professional shortage will intensify from January. So it’s worth finding a professional now and signing a contract, even if the job starts sometime in the middle of next year. I see that from the spring, after the start of the scholarships, it will be increasingly difficult to find a specialist

Markovich believes.

The foreigners returned, the Hungarians came out

The current reasons for the shortage of specialists can be traced back to the National Association of Construction Employers (ÉVOSZ) for various reasons, such as overseas worker placement, fluctuation, aging, and inadequate job supply.

In national construction works

a growing proportion of foreign workers are employed.

They returned to Hungary after the first course of the epidemic, that is, in the summer, and continued their work in September, despite the intensification of the epidemic. On the other hand, those skilled Hungarian workers and engineers working abroad who went abroad before the pandemic and returned to their typically Western European workplace in the summer months, according to the ÉVOSZ summary.

The number of construction workers who have stayed home permanently after work is only a few hundred.

What do the numbers say?

According to CSO data, the number of people working in the construction industry has increased in recent years, but still

the sector faces a significant labor shortage.

Ten years ago, in 2010, more than 273,000 people worked in the construction industry, while according to the latest official figures

In 2019, more than 343 thousand.

However, due to the great success of the housing subsidy system launched in recent years, the shortage of professionals in the construction industry has further intensified, leading to significant delays in the commissioning of real estate. So

they may lose part of the aid,

if they are unable to complete the work on time and submit the necessary documents to apply for the grant.

(Cover image: Window sills are repaired by workers in 2012. Photo: László Beliczay) / MTI)
