Index – National – The worst way to earn gratitude money can remain


On Tuesday, parliament unanimously approved a law on the legal status of the health service, which establishes a multi-stage salary increase for doctors starting next year. According to health manager Gabriella Lantos, who told the Index, there is talk of a significant salary increase, but it creates the possibility of “exile” or hoaxes, and therefore may remain the most latent form of gratitude for money.

In 2016, the Index published a series of high-profile articles written by Private Hospital’s chief operating officer Károly Róbert about the medical moguls who earn the most gratitude money and the hospital trust properties they operate. As a healthcare professional, Gyula Kincses, current president of the Hungarian Medical Chamber, welcomed Gabriella Lantos’ writing for problem solving and promoting discussions, which, in her opinion, gave insight into healthcare Hungarian.

Commenting on the Index, Gabriella Lantos commented on the current salary increase as follows:

there will be a significant increase for all those who have so far earned more than half of their income from public benefits and only a small part of their income came from private care. Because even if they have to give up their income from private care, their income from public benefits will double.

However, he added: therefore, however

doctors pay a high price,

since they can be transferred by the state to any part of the country for practically two years without asking, with only two weeks in advance.

Whoever signs this treaty will effectively sign an agreement that allows his own exile.

Gabriella Lantos declared.

The trick to getting gratitude money

The health manager also noted that doctors who currently have high private practice and high private income misbehave or are forced to cheat with the volunteer aid position. If they forgo the income from their large private practice and compensate much less in public benefits, they too will be exiled for two years if the situation requires it. The other option is to choose their large private income, but in this case they will be pushed into private care where they will not be able to perform very serious surgeries. Unless they are doing tricks and returning to their previous work as volunteer helpers.

“This has been the most hidden and inactive way to get gratitude money yet, and it can continue to be.”

Lantos said.

This means that

the doctor will be able to take his private patient to the public hospital, continue to use all the infrastructure and staff,

therefore, you will not pay any nominal rent, at most you will not receive wages for that day. He, on the other hand, breaks down the surgical fee in his private practice instead of the important thank you money for his patient, who was operated on for free at a public hospital. As a non-government employee, you are not subject to any prohibition rules, you can have the surgery for as long as you want.

“The volunteer helper smuggling opportunities to post depravity in the system. This is a very serious and damaging setback. Instead, a contractor contract must be entered into with these physicians, who operate large private practices and withdraw from public care, for the use of operating rooms and hotels (this is what technical language calls nursing rooms – ed.) . This would give the hospital an extra income, with which it could increase the salaries of professionals ”.

Explained the health manager.

He also told the Index that the public income generated by the salary increase has not yet reached the income that can be earned in private care, so it will not raise it substantially.

According to Gabriella Lantos, there is no question that public care will be significantly separated from care at large private providers because doctors cannot work in two places. But

from the gray zone of housing clinics

physicians will continue to be in public care as volunteer helpers, albeit free of charge. Then they will earn a lot of money in their home clinic, already as enterprising doctors, relying on the fact that the surgery is still free for patients in the hospital.

The Index has already taken care of the doctors who help as volunteers.

In 2016, the Index wrote an article in which doctors who help as volunteers are more likely than average to expect gratitude from their patients, or have more patients than average on their private prescriptions. The article also mentions that doctors who help as volunteers can be employed in hospitals where, for example, there is no money for more employed doctors or there are simply no candidates.

In this “typical Hungarian operational hybrid”, the shortage of professionals due to lack of funds and emigration, the problem of aging was faced with the deterioration of the public health situation and the increasing demand for higher level health solutions and More expensive.

And this coexistence is a perfect match for those who work out of their own pockets while moving into public medicine, even paying their jobs to hospital superiors or redistributing them, say, with gratitude money.

Four years ago, a senior health chief who requested anonymity told the Index.

Will there be lawsuits against doctors and patients?

In response to a question from our newspaper, Gabriella Lantos noted that withdrawing gratitude money could be successful if taken seriously and not smuggled back with the help of a volunteer helper, in an even more invisible way.

The question is what type of control system will be installed. Will there be trial purchases, who and how will gratitude be monitored and sanctioned?

– raised the health manager, who hopes that the Code of Ethics of the Hungarian Medical Chamber (MOK) provides it.

Lantos said the most important question, however, is whether there will be convictions against doctors and patients. He pointed:

without strict control and punishment it will be just a mantra,

that no one will really take themselves seriously.

However, it would be very necessary to ensure that corruption in health does not further distort the system.

He pointed.

The law passed Tuesday punished gratitude money, and both a doctor and a patient are expected to face up to a year in prison.

According to the Health Care Law, a health worker or doctor cannot request or accept any monetary, economic or in-kind compensation. A healthcare worker can only accept an item that does not exceed five percent of the current monthly minimum wage. This currently means eight thousand florins.

The new law will enter into force on November 18 and most of its provisions will apply from January 1.
