Index – National – The University of Performing Arts has filed a lawsuit


In a statement issued today, the University of Theater and Film Arts (SZFE) drew attention to the fact that the Board of Trustees has unilaterally rewritten the university regulations. While they write

The Board of Directors of the University of Theater and Film Arts has recently unilaterally rewritten the University Organization and Operations Rules (SZMR) unilaterally, this time demonstrably in violation of the law. With the amendment, the board created for itself the possibility of direct intervention in academic work without checks and balances.

The communication cites the modifications of the Board of Trustees that the

With the latest retroactive amendments to the SZMR dated 09/15/2020, the Board of Trustees was authorized to appoint vice-chancellors as employers without bidding, and these vice-chancellors – without the consent of the Senate and without bidding – for a maximum of one year also endow. Based on the modification, the vice-rectors may be appointed by the maintainer without knowledge of the professional work of the university, previous employment and experience as head of department.

In the University’s opinion, the amendment to the SZMR was contrary to the Higher Education Law and four lawsuits were filed in court to resolve it.
