Index – National – The SZFE Chancellor has given an ultimatum, everyone must leave the university building before 6pm on Friday


The new rector of the University of Theater and Film Arts, Gábor Szarka, and one of the newly appointed vice-rectors, Emil Novák, sent rector instructions to the university staff and professors. As they write, fall break is coming forward from October 16 to October 26. between when

Maintenance and disinfection will be carried out in the university buildings and dormitories, so they will be closed, they are not allowed to stay in them, they must be left by everyone until 6 pm on Friday at the latest.

You can remain in the buildings after the deadline only with the written permission of the Chancellor.

A Telex The rector’s instruction in his possession contains the following calls:

  1. All University citizens must leave the University premises by the end of today’s business hours, but no later than 6 p.m. The operations manager shall make arrangements for the closure of offices, dormitories, classrooms, other rooms and finally empty buildings gradually evacuated.
  2. The head of the Office of Administration and Organization will make arrangements for the evacuation of the dormitory before the date specified in point 1, dormitory fee will not be charged to dormitory students during the rest period.
  3. By the end of today, the operations manager must report in writing the minimum daily labor required for basic operation and maintenance of the facilities throughout the period of the hiatus, and will also submit the list by name.
  4. The operations manager will send me a technical, maintenance, cleaning and sanitizing plan for next week for approval.
  5. With the exception of the operating personnel authorized to stay and the people who perform specialized maintenance, they may only be present at the University facilities during the break with the written permission of the Rector.
  6. For employees, the rest period covers a total of 5 business days, and the first business day after the break is Tuesday, October 27, 2020. Three business days will be counted as compulsory leave according to the principal’s original instructions. The two additional days may be counted as absence or work from home, at the discretion of the immediate supervisors. In the latter case, the workplace managers must record in writing the tasks assigned to the employees, which must be sent to the head of the Office of Administration and Organization in a summary table. Indicate the days of home work on the time sheet.
  7. During fall break, attendance education is suspended and missed sessions must be replaced in the post-break period. At the same time, principals may choose to organize training in the form of distance education, but their retention must be duly justified.
  8. Extensive technical maintenance work can also be carried out during the break, which may include temporary or permanent shutdowns of mechanical equipment and other technical units.
  9. Since cleaning with chemical disinfectants can also be done during the break, I ask all university students to take their valuables home on the one hand and keep their personal belongings in their lockers and drawers on the other. Do not leave food in rooms where there is a refrigerator, empty it and unplug it.
  10. We will also keep the citizens of the University informed of any important developments during the break, so keep an eye out for email traffic from your office.
  11. The maintenance does not affect the removal of installations on the facade of the Vas Street building.
  12. I ask employees to return to work the first day after the break only if they are completely healthy.

Gábor Szarka also adds at the end of the letter that he hopes that after the pause a dialogue and joint work can begin. This morning, even access to Facebook was blocked on the computers in the offices of the University of Theater and Film Arts on the instructions of the Chancellor.

SZFE Chancellor: If the protesters close the road in front of me, I can also block one or two sites.

It’s bad for Gábor Szarka not to find a person to talk to. Expect gestures from students even after the Internet is turned off.
