Index – National – The spread of the epidemic is slowing, but infection is expected to increase in several cities


According to the data from the 51st week, the concentration of the hereditary material of the coronavirus measured in the wastewater increases in Békéscsaba, Nyíregyháza, Szekszárd and settlements around Budapest, Tököl, Biatorbágy, Szigetszentmiklós, Budakeszi and Százhalombatta in the National Center – can be read of Public Health.

However, the test results show that

the amount of hereditary SARS-CoV-2 material stagnates in most sewage samples.

There is a decrease in Eger compared to data from the previous weeks, they write, adding that the results show that the spread of the epidemic in the country is slowing down, but at the same time, many symptomatic and asymptomatic people continue to shed the virus .

the coronavirus is present throughout the country.

Compliance with epidemiological rules is still important to maintain the favorable trend, especially during the Christmas period. They ask that

  • anyone with symptoms should not go to the community but stay home and notify their GP by phone,
  • keep a distance of at least one and a half meters,
  • we wear a mask
  • wash your hands frequently and thoroughly,
  • Comply with exit restrictions.
