Index – National – The renovated Károlyi-Csekonics Palace was delivered


A complex of buildings with a special history was renovated and delivered on September 1 between Museum Street and Recivzky Street. The reconstruction of the Károlyi-Csekonics Palace in Budapest has been carried out since 2017, and a complete renovation was carried out in the street wing of the building, Museum. The renovated building will be used by the Reformed University Károli Gáspár.

At Tuesday’s awarding ceremony, Gergely Gulyás, Minister in Charge of the Prime Minister’s Office, delivered a speech, highlighting according to the MTI report: the task of the university is to fill the spaces with content, and the task of the Reformed Church is to make proper use of the building. As you said:

the state, preserving one of the important legacies of regime change, undertook a historical reconstruction in order to restore the ensemble of buildings in the Palace District to its former light.

In her solemn speech, Ágnes Czine, vice-rector of the Reformed University Károli Gáspár, in charge of the functions of rector, stated:

In the renovated building, education is supported, among other things, by digital whiteboards, projectors, a huge conference room, seminar rooms and a library. The building belongs not only to the university and the Reformed Church, but to the entire nation.

By the way, the beautiful palace was given as a wedding gift by Countess Margit Csekonics from her parents, and for a long time it was the center of elite community life. A II. after the Second World War significantly damaged and did not later receive a worthy renovation. For a long time after the war, the building housed the National Technical Library.

Cover image: MTI Photographer: Tamás Kovács
