Index – National – The President of the Office of National Courts read a letter to Péter Márki-Zay


György Barna Senyei, president of the Office of National Courts, instructed Péter Márki-Zay in a letter, because the mayor of Hódmezővásárhely, in his community, judged the legal proceedings against him. “Demand for concept”and the judgment passed “Conceptual”, “Pre-issued” called it a trial, respectively “He made several complaints about the identity of the trial judge”.

On 2 December, the Szeged court found Péter Márki-Zay guilty of defamation in the first instance and sentenced him to a fine of HUF 400,000. The mayor of Hódmezővásárhely previously associated the name of János Lázár, a member of parliament, with corruption and the commission of a crime.

The verdict had apparently already been issued in advance, although unlike the Witness film, the judge did not make the mistake of reading it ahead of time. Even so, János Lázár’s lawyer cannot be satisfied with the justice of the party state, since they have previously requested a sanction much more severe than the fine, with a deterrent effect.

– wrote Péter Márki-Zay in his Facebook post on December 2.

We will appeal the verdict, but we will also prepare for the fact that the second instance in Szeged will also try Lazár.


Since then, the mayor of Hódmezővásárhely has returned to the case in several entries, noting in relation to the judge leading the process,

developed an epoch-making conceptual procedure.

Five “Tell-tale sign” He also listed what, in his opinion, proves the judge “Convicted in a conceptual trial” Together with János Lázár. Péter Márki-Zay criticized the exclusion of the press from the trial, did not mention exactly what crime he accused János Lázár of and rejected the defense witnesses.

At the request of, György Barna Senyei, President of the Office of National Courts (OBH), issued a statement in which he wrote:

“From politicians to litigants in a lawsuit, it will not yet be a ‘political lawsuit’ or a ‘conceptual lawsuit’.

Added: Only in Hungary “No token” there are lawsuits, such as Article XV of the Basic Law Article 1, paragraph 1, of the Directive declares the equality of clients before the law, guaranteed by the courts in all cases.

A XX. The Hungarian history of the 20th century is sadly fraught with real conceptual demands. By comparing the verdict that you consider offensive – and therefore appealed – and the process that preceded it with politically constructed show trials, held among the darkest points in our history, it relativizes historical events in violation of the memory of the victims.

– wrote György Senyei Barna in his letter.

At the same time, the OBH president also wrote, repeatedly emphasizing that

In addition to appeals, court decisions can be criticized even in public.

However, he refused to accuse Péter Márki-Zay’s sentencing judge of political bias.

At the same time, the statements made publicly in relation to our fellow judge who issued this judgment, suggesting political bias, go beyond the scope of Article IX of the Basic Law, both individually and as a whole. Therefore, I reject the framework of freedom of expression set out in Article 1 (1) of the Treaty.

– wrote György Barna Senyei.

According to the OBH president, by appointing the judge, publishing his photograph and making threatening statements about him, the mayor of Hódmezővásárhely as a political actor –

Intentionally or negligently, it may have exerted pressure on the judge hearing the case or, indirectly, on the court as a whole.

At the request of, Tünde Vida-Sós, President of the Szeged Court, added:

the Szeged Court shares what was explained in the letter from the President of the National Judicial Office to Mr. Péter Márki-Zay.

Péter Márki-Zay responded to the letter from the OBH president on his Facebook page, writing:

It is highly honorable that the president of the same office Orbán just established to end judicial independence is eager to educate him on the rule of law.

According to the mayor of Hódmezőváráshely, the judge in his case rendered his ruling “on the basis of unfounded facts”,

because he could not name any specific crime with which I had slandered János Lázár.

He also wrote that János Lázár, as a key public figure, had to make more serious statements.

Péter Márki-Zay was also convicted of defamation

In a criminal case initiated by a school principal in Hódmezővásárhely, the Szeged Court found Péter Márki-Zay legally guilty of defamation on Wednesday, the MTI reported.

The Szeged Court of Appeal upheld the judgment of the Csongrád District Court, found the mayor of Hódmezővásárhely guilty,

but he did not impose a punishment, but put him to the test for a year.

The director started a criminal process because Péter Márki-Zay stated on a community page and in a local newspaper that a colleague

severely humiliated and threatened for political reasons.

Judge Éva Bakos, head of the council, explained during the reasoning of the decision that the court of first instance correctly concluded, based on the hearing of the witnesses, including the teacher in question, that

no evidence supported the politician’s claims.

The defendant’s allegations could negatively affect the director’s social judgment, the judge said.
