Index – National – The president of the medical chamber in Győr was concerned about the misinformation of the population


Unfortunately, the coronavirus epidemic poses a growing threat and burden for almost everyone. GPs, hospital doctors and nurses have been struggling, working for weeks and months, finding it increasingly difficult to bear the burden, writes the chairman of the Gy condador-Moson-Sopron county MOK on his Facebook page . It adds that the situation is further aggravated by the fact that the information provided to the public is incomplete, often incorrect or misleading.

Hospital employees are not allowed to express themselves, they are not allowed to have an opinion, the different media are biased and unilaterally informed, based on their own interests and partisan affiliation, the doctor believes. He added that almost all GPs point out that deceiving the population causes them serious difficulties in their daily work, because as he writes, his patients are dissatisfied, often aggressive because they hear that there are enough vaccines. If the vaccine still does not arrive, the GPs will be responsible, attacked, threatened. Therefore, the IOC President decided to score the most important information.

  • Currently, there are not enough vaccines available for GPs and hospital vaccines for all registered users.
  • Basically, the people to be vaccinated are not appointed by their GPs, nor can they have a decisive influence on the order of vaccination.
  • There are a number of alterations in the central distribution of vaccines.
  • Therefore, organized and arranged vaccines are often overlooked, they are not logically vaccinated within an area. As a result, in some practices, older and higher-risk people are often not yet vaccinated, while lower-risk and much younger people in the same or adjacent area are also vaccinated.
  • The benefits, risks, and reliable scientific knowledge of the various vaccines have not been widely disseminated to the general public or to medical colleagues.
  • Vaccine GPs are “motivated, compensated” by pressure, threats and uncoordinated salaries, unilaterally agreed, practically humiliating. Further compounding the plight of our exhausted and extremely stressed medical colleagues.
  • Very often, GPs do not receive any administrative or logistical support to organize and administer vaccines.

He also adds that despite all the difficulties, many people have already been protected by the vaccines they have been given so far, and in many places vaccinations have gone smoothly and at a good pace. As you said, what you describe is not about analyzing the vaccination system, but rather draws attention to the problems that often lead the general public to blame GPs.

It is not for the Medical Chamber to judge politicians and their parties, but it may not make the mistake of warning all political forces and the media that unilateral information, censorship, delays the recognition of failures and deficiencies in health care, which can even cost human lives and visibly inhibit quality improvement and patient safety

– writes László Szijjártó, adding to the patients that they apologize and understand for the above. As you write, the vast majority of your fellow doctors and nurses, to the best of your knowledge and belief, continue to do everything possible to benefit patients.

(Cover Image: Nurses
will administer the second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine at the South Pest Central Hospital Vaccination Center on March 11, 2021.
Photo: Koszticsák Szilárd / MTI)
