Index – National – The Orbán government has once again lengthened the crisis caused by immigration


In the Hungarian Gazette this Sunday, not only the travel restrictions related to the closure of its borders due to the coronavirus were published, but also the government decree 411/2020 (VIII.30), in which the cabinet prolongs the situation of crisis caused by mass immigration. This was last decided on March 5 and will be extended by government decree as of September 7.

Observation point on the border between Hungary and Serbia near the border crossing on the Röszke road

Observation point on the border between Hungary and Serbia near the border crossing on the Röszke road

Since the announcement of the first crisis in March 2016, exactly what impact it will have on the life of the country has been debated. According to the Center for Fundamental Rights close to the government, it is not about suspending the exercise of fundamental rights, the law provides an opportunity for the Hungarian Armed Forces to legally participate in the protection of the state border, thus helping the activities of the policeman. Soldiers can also support the work of the police in other ways, but to some extent the powers of the police to act are also expanded. According to the Center for Fundamental Rights, public bodies can temporarily use certain assets, which, however, should not affect the private property of citizens. In addition, some administrative, permitting, construction and asylum procedures will be accelerated or simplified. However, the analysis of the Hungarian Helsinki Committee draws attention to the fact that the regulation, which has been extended again and again for four years, restricts the exercise of fundamental rights, that is, the regulation constitutes an extraordinary legal order in the area of ​​asylum, law enforcement and even public procurement.

Advocates also recall that in 2017, the police bought a car for about 15 billion guilders without a tender, citing the decree.

First, critics of the legislation point out that maintaining regulation is not justified. Statistics on illegal immigration have declined compared to previous years, and a situation similar to the siege at the Röszke border crossing in September 2015 has not developed since then. Therefore, it is not clear why the Orbán government decided to extend it. .

The MTI released recent migration data on Monday morning, according to which Hungarian police and soldiers took action against a total of 269 border violators over the weekend. Last week, 486 people tried to enter the country illegally.
