Index – National – The opposition does not vote to extend the emergency


In November, there was almost complete consensus to extend the emergency, but opposition parties with a parliamentary faction will not vote another 90-day request from the government, which could still be approved by two-thirds.

On behalf of the Democratic Coalition, Gergely Arató, in his opening speech on Tuesday, said that his party could not support the proposal for three reasons:

  • “Ex post consent for harmful, defective, ineffective measures”,
  • “They have completely lost contact with reality (…) they have shown themselves unable to cope with the epidemiological situation and the economic crisis,”
  • According to DK, it also turned out that the government is not interested in the country and the people, but in political considerations of insignificant parties.

Jobbik had already made clear in a statement issued on February 13 that it opposed the extension. According to the party, the government abused its extraordinary authority and

Orbán, with his extraordinary authority, showed that he only excels in the theft of public money and the dictatorship.

The MSZP writes on its Facebook page that

they applied for and received authorization in the fall, but they also abused and diverted resources.

They also added that

All responsibility is with the government! But what they have done cannot be supported by a sober and responsible political force.

According to László László Keresztes of the LMP, the government did not use authority but abused it, and the economic protection program was insufficient and a deep social and economic crisis developed in Hungary. The politician made it clear that the LMP will not vote for the extension either.
