Index – National – The opposition denies Hadházy. Márki-Zay: Each candidate will have as many attack surfaces


Ákos Hadházy, an independent member of Parliament, criticized opposition cooperation quite harshly on his Facebook page after the by-elections in Borsod. Among other things, he wrote that the opposition candidate, László Bíró, a right-wing man,

a person who was clearly involved in the fact that a small team spent a significant part of the EU grant of HUF 50 million on itself rather than actual development.

The Independent Representative noted that although the government propaganda was only heard about unpaid seamstresses, he personally knew about the matter and therefore considered it much more serious. According to him, the only thing he could do to help László Bíró was that he did not speak about it in public, but informed the presidents of the parties of what he had learned.

The press close to the government has already translated it as “Hadházy admitted that he deliberately listened to the corrupt affairs of László Bíró” and therefore could face up to three years in prison.

Then we will be cellmates with Viktor Orbán, because he spoke about the same thing in parliament, much tougher than me and giving more details.

– The independent deputy reacted on his Facebook page.

In fact, it was a dilemma to talk about the issue during the campaign, but since in a campaign the opposition talks about a government candidate and the government talks about its opposition, I waited for the campaign to end. He still had to speak at the end of the campaign. The opposition only has one chance in 2022 if most people believe that things will be different after the change of government. To do this, we have to say that by 2022, we need candidates who cannot be suspected of corruption, otherwise we will be as we are now.

Write Hadházy in his last post.

I did not receive such a signal

– answered Dániel Z. Kárpát, Jobbik’s vice president for the Index. Regarding Hadházy’s post about László Bíró, he said: if it was meaningful information, then you could argue about what, a Facebook post is difficult. However, the party chairman Péter Jakab responded to the Mandiner on the merits:

Ákos Hadházy fought against the lying public media until he finally became like them. Hadházy did not contact me with any information about László Bíró as president of the party, however László Bíró gave Ákos Hadházy the opportunity to inspect all the documents he wanted in his house and ask questions about all the topics of interest to him. The Representative also visited László Bíró during his campaign, and after 20 minutes of interrogation, he left calmly, not by accident, since László Bíró has no cases of corruption. Opposition activists, on the other hand, were disappointed that Mr. Hadházy had only visited the constituency as long as he had not participated in any opposition campaign. And it would have been necessary for him, like me, to go through all the settlements in the district ”.

I read it, I don’t want to comment – László Varju, vice president of DK, told our newspaper. He added that he would not have made such an entrance in public on behalf of his colleague.

Erzsébet Schmuck and Máté Kanász-Nagy, co-chairs of the LMP, responded without question:

Hadházy did not inform the LMP of any cases of corruption.

According to the LMP, if a politician receives credible information about a specific case of corruption, they must file a complaint immediately. This applies to pro-government and opposition politicians, as well as suspected cases on both sides. At the same time, the Green Party of LMP – Hungary claims that it did not receive any information from Ákos Hadházy about any corruption cases during the Borsod campaign. We were surprised to read Mr.’s statement, but we do not know what information he is talking about as he did not inform the LMP about it. If I had such information, I should have taken the necessary steps

– states in the LMP communication.

It seems that my message, due to an administrative error, did not reach the leaders of all the parties, but it did reach all the places it needed. However, I hope that they themselves, regardless of me, have followed up on the matter, and have also felt the dilemma and are drawing the right lessons.

– writes Ákos Hadházy in his Facebook post.

Péter Márki-Zay also briefly reacted to the entry of Ákos Hadházy, according to the mayor of Hódmezővásárhely, Fidesz’s expiration campaign hardly interests anyone locally.

Fidesz will find many striking surfaces against the 106 opposition candidates in the future.

(Cover image: Ákos Hadházy. Photo: László Aradi / Index)
