Index – National – The number of new coronavirus infections has been cut in half


The new coronavirus infection (Covid-19) was detected in 1,410 new Hungarian citizens, increasing the number of infected people in Hungary to 326,688.

Most of the deaths were 114 chronically elderly patients, so the number of deaths increased to 9,781.

The number of recovered people is also constantly increasing, currently 164,403 people, the number of actively infected people has dropped to 153,504 people. 5,529 coronavirus patients are hospitalized, 402 of whom are on ventilators.

So far, a total of 80,000 doses of vaccine have arrived in Hungary, with which health workers are already vaccinated at 21 hospital vaccination points. To stop the epidemic and guarantee the functioning of hospitals, the protection measures in force until now remain in force.

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But in the meantime, the number of healers is also constantly increasing.

A day earlier, on Friday, the new coronavirus infection was detected in 2,764 new Hungarian citizens, and 130 chronic patients, mostly elderly, had died.

The vaccine has reached a new stage in the fight against the coronavirus epidemic with the arrival of the vaccine in Hungary, a total of 80,000 doses of the Pfizer vaccine so far, which will allow 40,000 health workers to be vaccinated. The vaccines that arrived on Wednesday were delivered at 21 hospital vaccination points: in addition to several hospitals in Budapest, in Győr, Kecskemét, Szolnok, Tatabánya, Kaposvár, Pécs, Miskolc, Szeged, Székesfehérvár, Debrecen, Balassagyarmat, Nyeszprés, and Veshezprémé. More shipments will arrive in the coming weeks and vaccination could continue at that rate.

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The toxicologist has already received the vaccine and, according to him, Hungarian society is very deep.

In the first half of the year, pharmaceutical authorities are expected to authorize new vaccines, and then additional vaccines may arrive in Hungary to begin mass vaccination of the population. The vaccination will be free and voluntary, so you should definitely register. So far, almost 600,000 people have registered for vaccination on the website ​​and by mail.

There is also a curfew between 8 pm and 5 am, everyone must arrive home by 8 pm One case of exemption from the curfew is work, which, however, must be justified.
