Index – National – The national hotel industry has never been in such a severe crisis


Tamás Flesch, President of the Hungarian Hotel and Restaurant Association, said on the Index issue that

there was no hotel industry in such a severe crisis. The industry is in a very difficult position, and this applies not only to hotels, but also to a number of players, from tourism to buses to event organizers.

According to Tamás Flesch

there will be a hotel that can no longer be reopened or sold, but the key question is how an entire industry can be recovered, in what form and condition it can begin.

State wage subsidies, as well as restaurant and bar owners, are in great need of the industry because many of them pay for their retained employees. The new regulation that the government will change to help entrepreneurs interested in the hotel and tourism industry will take effect on February 3: the current wage subsidy will be paid in a single amount at the end of February and will take the form of a “ Subsidy Advance ”instead of post-financed.

Tamás Flesch commented this to the Index as

It is definitely a positive step, but it is not a new subsidy, only companies that have already received it will receive it before.

He also added that this is not enough yet, so a package of proposals is being developed.

You can only guess at the time of opening, but restarting won’t be easy either:

It will cause serious difficulties. Finding, hiring and training staff, restocking warehouses is an expensive and time-consuming process. Not everyone will be able to start right away.

The president of the association stated that

we are ready for any reasonable suggestions and compromises for the opening.

He sees a good chance that domestic tourism will get off to a good start this summer, but the arrival of foreign guests depends not only on epidemiological conditions in the country. International tourism could really help hotels in Budapest.

Tamás Flesch also explained that

patience can work well if we get help beyond what we have done so far, because without it it would be very difficult to get through the next period. The reopening won’t be unaided either, but even after that, the industry may need to be able to stand up.

(Cover image: Tamás Flesch, president of the Hungarian Hotel and Restaurant Association (MSZÉSZ), will make a presentation at the 21-year-old travelers magazine conference at the Paris Udvar Hotel in Budapest on June 12, 2019. Photo: Márton Mónus / MTI )
