Index – National – The most important news about the coronavirus on Saturday, May 2


In an interview with Kossuth radio yesterday morning, Viktor Orbán said that the defense was not yet over, because the virus was still here and the vaccine was still nowhere. Austerity will be eased on a strict and gradual schedule, with the prime minister saying the country is preparing for a second wave, and if the number of new deaths in Budapest begins to ease, restrictions on the capital could begin to lift.

The government is also relaxing on the borders, with some foreign citizens already entering the country (if they are Czech, Polish, German, Austrian, Slovak or Korean), but only if they arrive for commercial purposes.

Although there are other counties that are heavily infected, the government is lifting the curfew everywhere except in Budapest and Pest counties and introducing more flexible rules. However, municipalities can impose restrictions.

Another 12 patients died, the number of identified coronavirus infections increased to 2942

Another 12 patients died.
