Index – National – The media market, which has fallen into close hands, has launched its first day with force


In recent days, we also reported that Levente Boros Bánk, a political scientist close to the government and director of the Media Viewing Center, had acquired the specialized magazine Media Market and the associated portal

Boros Bánk Levente bought the Media Market

According to the new owner, it has been more left-wing so far, but it won’t be explicitly right-wing in the future either.

The new owner immediately laid off the six-person staff, and only Boros Bánk is currently listed as publisher director on the label.

The new direction can already be felt on the “first business day” of the online newspaper. From the articles posted on the cover, we look at:

Error 444

The article is about the fact that László Szily, the journalist from 444, published a long article earlier this week about the suspicious economic case of László Bíró, a bikik who was defeated in the weekend by-elections in Borsod. In the article, Szily claimed that the pro-government media did not report on the most vulnerable point of the case, the spending of the 50 million HUF that he received for free.

On the contrary, the Hungarian Nation reported this in mid-September, for which Szily apologized to the official newspaper and to the author of the article, Balázs Bácskai.

The Alfahír lied

The Media Market also sought a more precise correction from the right-wing Alfahír. In an unauthorized article on the portal, he commented on the correction as

Bíró László’s laundry was badly baked.

Christmas ads against press freedom

Another article is directed to Dániel Lovas, president of the Community of Hungarian Journalists, who said that the proposal adopted by the Metropolitan Assembly in early October “bleeds from a thousand wounds”, which is “professionally badly considered, almost impossible in practice. “.

The presentation was about A public space use permit for the distribution or placement of a free press product in a public space may be issued only if the publisher of the press product in question agrees to provide four pages to the Budapest City Council free of charge.

If it is mandatory We want to make the Metropolitan Municipality of external content, so it is definitely an attempt to interfere with the freedom of the written press.

– believes the spoken president of MÚK.

Levente Boros Bánk also promised an independent professional newspaper in his interview with the Hungarian Nation.
