Index – National – The mask developed in Hungary is already in production


Production of new virus masks developed by Hungary has started in Sopron and Mosonmagyaróvár. The owners of KC Struktur Kft., The investor Boglárka Csősz, the design engineer Botond Csősz and the mechanical engineer Miklós Kállai want to keep production in Hungary to support the Hungarian labor market, and also offered masks for social benefits for social responsibility,

We previously reported that the mask filter developed by Hungary protects its wearer against airborne viruses and bacteria for 24 hours in a viral environment, filtering even the smallest particles by 99.98%.

Thanks to the filter, the KC mask can be used safely even in a viral environment, be it in hospitals, at home for patient care or when traveling indoors, in the crowd. The filters, which cost a few hundred florins, provide protection in a hospital environment for 24 hours and can be easily replaced. What’s more, this mask is 40 percent easier to get air than a disposable FFP3 mask. In their current communication, they write:

the mask is made of skin-friendly materials and is easy to disinfect. It comes in a variety of colors and two sizes, so it can be used comfortably and safely by both men and women and young users. When developing the mask, KC Struktur Kft. Mainly targeted those who work in the health and endangered areas, however, to protect family members, the population also shows a growing interest in masks.
