Index – National – The Katalin Kovács National Kayak-Canoe Sports Academy can be built in Sukoró


The decision on the construction of the youth base is based on – the quote from the decision published in the Magyar Közlöny by – that the construction of the academy was not carried out by the capital or its III. district did not support. At first, the island of Óbuda (Shipyard) was included in the plan, but a new location had to be found, now it seems that the settlement on Lake Venice has become the end.

To build the academy, preparations must be completed by January 20 of next year. The Orbán government will provide 161 million HUF for this, 68.5 million HUF for 2020, with the rest planned for next year’s budget. In parallel, the cabinet has repealed its two previous resolutions on the sports academy, and it is a remarkable fact that the amount is closer to the first, in November 2017, 115 million. Last year, significantly more HUF 675 million would have been delivered to build a supply center on Shipyard Island.

The Magyar Közlöny stresses that the Orbán government, taking into account the importance and social value of the education of young people, remains committed to the establishment of the Katalin Kovács National Academy of Kayak-Canoe Sports, for which it has designated its new location on Lake Velence, on the outskirts of Sukoró.
