Index – National – The hospital care system map was rewritten overnight.


In two days, the map of the Hungarian health system in the capital and in the county of Pest will change significantly, Népszava wrote. The decrees published last night in the Hungarian Gazette rewrote the map of the hospital care system that has been used until now. As of January 1, that is, on Friday, the capital’s hitherto independent hospitals will be classified into three central hospitals. According to the decree, they are county institutions that operate in Budapest and Pest County.

1. South Pest Central Hospital – It belongs to the National Institute of Hematology and Infectious Diseases since January 1

  • the Bajcsy-Zsilinszky Hospital and Clinic,
  • Ferenc Jahn South-Pest Hospital and Clinic,
  • the Hospital of Péterfy Sándor street,
  • the Ferenc Toldy Hospital and Clinic in Cegléd, and
  • Nagykőrös Rehabilitation Specialists Hospital and Clinic.

2. The North-central center of Buda, To the new St. John Hospital and Clinic

  • St. Margaret’s Hospital in the capital, which was previously one of the St. John’s Hospital sites,
  • the Hospital Specialist in Rehabilitation St. Cosmos and Damian in Visegrád

3. Szent Imre University Hospital

Also last night, another government decree issued reduced the number of national institutions through mergers. This is how the National Institute of Locomotor and National Institute of Mental, Neurological and Neurosurgery based on the merger of the Haller Street Institute of Cardiology, the Heim Pál Pediatric Institute, the Korányi and the Oncology Institute.

the National Institute of Locomotive transformed by the merger of the National Institute of Rheumatology and Physiotherapy and the National Institute of Medical Rehabilitation, and National Neurosurgery It is formed by the merger of the Gyula Nyírő National Institute of Psychiatry and Addictions and the National Institute of Clinical Neuroscience.

The financing rules have also been modified for the new care system, so that as of January 1, health institutions can commit up to 5 million HUF in their own competition. Larger orders will be in charge of the General Directorate of the National Hospital.
