Index – National: the home support program is expanded with new elements starting today


A new year, new opportunities for Hungarian families, the largest housing construction program in the history of Hungary to date is underway, emphasized the minister without portfolio responsible for families in a statement sent to the MTI. On the community page, Katalin Novák put it this way:

his goal with the program is to have a secure cover over everyone’s head.

The minister without portfolio emphasized that they want families in Hungary to be able to wait and raise their children in the best possible conditions and with the greatest possible safety.

Many discounts for newly built houses.

As part of the homebuilding program, it will be cut from January 1.

VAT on newly built properties from 27 to 5 percent.

In addition, this 5 percent VAT does not have to be paid to those who also take advantage of the family home creation discount (chok) to buy a new construction property. That is to say

Those who buy or build a newly built property from now on do not have to pay VAT.

– made on the community page by Katalin Novák.

Also, the tax does not apply to those who buy a new or used property with a check.

Renewals can also be requested

Support for home renovations will also be introduced on January 1, which Katalin Novák announced in mid-October. Those who are raising at least one child and want to renovate, modernize and beautify their own home can apply for the latest state support to the family.

The support will reimburse half of the renewal costs, up to a maximum of HUF 3 million, in arrears.

A home renovation loan will be added starting February 1. This is especially for those who do not have enough money to finance the cost of the home renovation. Starting on February 1, they can apply for a home renovation loan, which is a mortgage loan with a maximum term of HUF 6 million, for a maximum term of 10 years, with a maximum interest rate of 3 percent.

Coexistence of generations

They also support the creation of multigenerational homes, said Katain Novák, explaining that it is a support in the form of a piece for the installation of the attic. From now on, the total amount of chocolate can be used by those who build the attic of a house where a young family or a couple who still have children move in and create their own property with a separate entrance and their own.

This support means a non-reimbursable grant of 10 million HUF for two children, 2.6 million HUF for two children and 600,000 HUF for one child.

In addition, a loan of 10 million HUF for two children and 15 million HUF for large families can be requested, in addition to the support used for the installation of the chocolate in the attic.

As of January 1, it is a novelty that the VAT content can be recovered up to 5 million HUF if someone builds it himself, according to the MTI announcement. In other words, those who build are not subject to the VAT exemption rules, but can claim the VAT content up to HUF 5 million.

Katalin Novák concluded by emphasizing that

the notary fee is also maximized

for those who buy real estate by check.
