Index – National: The government may temporarily allow doctors


The government appears to succumb to pressure from doctors and would withdraw from draft regulations on health care law in the three most criticized areas: second job licensing, secondment and listing contracts, Népszava said. According to the newspaper, the government is very short of time, since 17 government decrees related to the Law of the state of health must be published before November 18.

Although they have not yet consulted on the merits with the Hungarian Medical Chamber – not even professional organizations were invited to the meeting organized for the opposition parties supposedly convened on Tuesday afternoon – according to the newspaper

the government would postpone the licensing of second jobs until 2023, after the elections.

The possibility of a 1 + 1 year service commission, which has led to considerable resistance, would also be severely redesigned, and

would maximize the new bill in no more than 100 days per year, which would make it more acceptable by introducing a 50 percent salary supplement for this period.

By the way, the MOK compromise proposal considers that even a 100-day service fee is acceptable only in times of emergency. According to the new ideas of the government, they would not be transferable to women who are pregnant and raising children under the age of three, large families, those who raise their children alone or care for their relatives, workers with disabilities and those who are about to take a professional examination.

Also, after 2022, the cabinet would postpone the obligation to terminate taxpayer contracts.

According to the evaluation of the work, the previous changes, which are related to the changes with the greatest damage of interest, essentially mean that there will be no separation between public and private offering in the next year and a half. According to the newspaper, the cabinet would create a National Hospital General Directorate, headed by an employer of all public health employees in the future. Hospital administrators would be the only exceptions, as their employer would remain the Minister of Health. Those who occupy the current General Director of Hospitals will be renamed Heads of Institutions, who will be replaced by the Medical Director.
