Index – National – The government has yet to say how many people were sent home from hospitals.


They still did not answer questions from the government or operational staff Bertalan Tóth, they did not say how many patients had to be sent home due to evacuation from the hospital bed, if they had been tested for viruses and how many planned surgeries they had to postpone – the post of the MSZP president on Facebook. According to Tóth, all deadlines have expired.

After Emmi ordered in early April that 60 percent of hospital beds be emptied due to the epidemic, Bertalan Tóth, as president of the MSZP, requested letters from 91 hospitals about how this looked in practice. However, they received responses from only one institution, the others sent the questions to the Operational Staff, as it turned out, because the ministry had instructed them to do so.

“These were not complicated questions … essentially any hospital manager could have answered the questions of their dreams, and as it has arisen since then, hospitals have provided information to operating personnel in daily reports.

– says Tóth. Since then, however, he has received no responses from operations or ministry staff, despite promising this in the past. At the meeting of the Parliamentary Committee on Welfare of the Parliament, Bence Rétvári said that “he presented his letter on April 20, so we still have time to respond, but of course he will receive a response to the letter addressed to the ministers. We have answered all written questions in the recent past as well. “

Today is May 10, we are beyond all response times.

– Bertalan Tóth writes now. Questions from members of Parliament should normally be answered by the competent authorities within 11 business days.
