Index – National – The general director of Balatoni Hajózási Zrt. It is gone


The Hungarian Tourism Agency has confirmed to MTI that the general manager of Balatoni Hajózási Zrt. (Bahart) will resign by mutual agreement.

The CEO did not want to make statements to MTI, nor did MTÜ justify the reason for the departure of József Kollár, who was appointed director of the company in May 2015 by the general meeting of the company, which was then owned by 22 municipalities of the company. riverbank.

Don't sail on Lake Balaton, there is no capacity to save!

In the autumn-winter period, the water presents greater dangers and the storm warning system is also available.

At the end of August last year, the state increased the capital of Bahart, which was previously majority-owned by 21 lakeshore municipalities with ports, by HUF 6.6 billion, giving it a more than 75 percent stake in the shipping company. After the capital increase, the company’s reorganization plan was approved, which is progress after a cleanup of the profile. The purpose of the reorganization plan is to revamp Bahart, a nationally owned transportation company that is essentially a utility company, and to increase its operational efficiency substantially as a result of profile cleanup and organizational optimization, it was announced at the time. Magyar Nemzeti Vagyonkezelő Zrt. Put several of your assets – Csopak’s public harbor, campsites, hotels, beachfront properties – up for auction online.

The state also sells the Pier Hotel in Siófok

The starting price is just over 1.5 billion guilders.

To create the sustainable competitiveness of Balatoni Hajózási Zrt. (Bahart), it will need about 20 billion guilders in the next decade, in addition to state support for the scheduled shipment, József Kollár told a meeting in September.
