Index – National – “The EU has freed Hungary to be more operational in the long term”


On Wednesday, it became clear that Hungary would eventually give up the veto and not prevent the adoption of the EU budget for the next seven years or the rescue package to mitigate the economic effects of the coronavirus epidemic. The opposition parties in Hungary also reacted to the veto.

Klára Dobrev, vice president of the European Parliament for DK, lists point by point on social media what she thinks the failure of the veto means. According to the politician, the Hungarian prime minister wanted to prevent the establishment of the rule of law mechanism, but failed and tried to make the conditions of the European Parliament impossible, but the conditions remained. The prime minister said that he only believes in legal guarantees, against which he has received no legal guarantee at all.

István Ujhelyi of the MSZP stated in his Facebook post that

Viktor Orbán claims to be a winner, but he kicked the post,

because with ‘culpable extortion’ it failed to achieve its fundamental intention of preventing the introduction of the rule of law mechanism. The rule of law criteria will come into effect next year and will be linked to the fair and appropriate use of EU funds.

András Fekete Győr, president of the Momentum Movement, tells in a video message what he thinks it means to renounce the veto. According to him, Fidesz is a “… moral and moral bankruptcy”.

Benedek Jávor, a former Dialogue MEP, head of the Budapest office in Brussels, wrote about the veto, hoping, because the exact and final wording of the political declaration adopted as a compromise could be crucial.

If I had to summarize briefly, I would say that the EU liberated Hungary in exchange for it being more operational in the long run.

– wrote Benedek Jávor, who emphasized that the most important thing both for Diálogo and for the Hungarians is that

Hungary should have access to European aid as soon as possible for the government to prevent its misuse through anti-corruption rules called the rule of law.

The Jobbik Movement for Hungary, the veto of the veto: Orbán was deceived? – informed the Index of the party’s position in a statement entitled, which was also published on social media after the publication of our article.

Orbán used to adopt the rigid position of pushing almost the whole thing, Hungary does not accept any “appendix” or “tacepao”. Well, it seems that it will happen, and Orbán, who plays at home, will also sign the agreement.

But then, what demands could Orbán enforce, which the ruling party proclaims as a great victory?

they ask the question. The answer is below:
