Index – National – The epidemic may peak in Hungary at the end of November, with 220 deaths per day


Yes in Hungary Follow current trends, the epidemic situation will soon turn catastrophic – says the American Institute for Health Measurement and Evaluation (IHME) in its forecast. According to researchers By the end of the year, more than 12,500 people could die from the epidemic,

At the expected peak for the end of November, 35,000 will be infected

(i.e. this will be the combined number of identified and unidentified infected cases) and the coronavirus will be responsible for 220 deaths per day.

Based on a forecast model based on current numbers

By January 1, a total of 12,500 people could die

in coronavirus infection. Meanwhile, if the authorities ease restrictions, the situation could be even worse, but if everyone generally adheres to safety regulations and wears a mask, the death rate may be lower.

The IHME at the University of Washington was created with the support of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. It is considered one of the most recognized and trusted research institutes for modeling health trends. They have been at the center of international interest since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, since their sophisticated mathematical models are capable of predicting with a good approximation which scenarios can follow from the current processes.
