Index – National – The entire faculty of a vocational school in Polgár has been quarantined



2020.09.07. 15:58

Education outside the classroom continues digitally since Monday.

All employees of the civic vocational school have been quarantined, teaching continues digitally. Hajdú-Bihar County Mayor József Tóth announced the news on his Facebook page.

The Hajdúböszörmény District Office of the Hajdú-Bihar County Government Office subjected all employees of the Attila József Vocational School of the Berettyóújfalu Vocational Training Center, including teachers and other technical personnel, to an official quarantine in the form of COVID-19 in relation to digital education, therefore teaching is taking place

The mayor announced. They are unaware of an officially confirmed civilian with coronavirus, and school staff have been quarantined on suspicion of infection. József Tóth has not yet written about whether children are also screened.
