Index – National – The court awarded 25 million damages to the victim of the alkaline doctor


The court sentenced Krisztián B., the “alkaline doctor”, to pay no less than HUF 25 million in damages in the first instance, the reported in Wednesday’s trial. The judge stressed that during the attack, the quality of life of the victim, Erika Renner, will no longer be as before the attack. Seven years after the mutilation, she is still forced to live with pain and her self-image, her femininity and her sexuality are seriously damaged.

This verdict is a message that it is not worth abusing or maiming anyone, the perpetrator not only has criminal but also financial responsibility for his crime. Few victims go that far, but I advise them not to give up and that the economic burden must be borne by the perpetrators, the victims insist.

– Erika Renner told the portal, then added:

The Hungarian legal system has put a great price on my body.

Krisztián B. dumped it with corrosive material on March 12, 2012, injuring Erika Renner. The court noted that Erika Renner had suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder since the attack and had not had the opportunity or time to prosecute due to court procedures and treatments.

The court also noted that Erika has been struggling with constant physical pain since the attack, her wound must be treated on a daily basis. She also stressed that although she could still be a mother due to her age, this is no longer possible due to her injuries.

In 2018, Krisztián B. was finally sentenced by the Curia to eleven years in prison.

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