Index – National – The country turned into a block of ice in the morning, measured below minus 20 degrees at night


On Monday mornings we can expect heavy frosts, snow-covered, less cloudy and windless landscapes from the Northeast and Transdanubia can cool down to minus 15 and minus 20 degrees.

In the afternoon another snowfall will arrive in Transdanubia. The air movement can only be reactivated in some parts of the central part of the country, but we can also expect most of the sun here.

During the day, we can measure values ​​between minus 6 and plus 1 degree, writes the Timeline.

There will be no fronts, but cold, icy weather on Monday.

The Lake of Venice is completely frozen!

Several have already ventured onto the ice.

Currently, a 20-centimeter layer of snow covers Bakony’s landscapes in clear weather

In Bánd, the temperature dropped to minus 20.4 degrees on Sunday night.

You haven’t seen such low temperatures in a long time.

During the night, in clear and snow-covered landscapes, temperatures can drop below minus 15 degrees in some places and in some places to minus 20 degrees.

The warming comes Wednesday after the Siberian frost

It is still snowing at the beginning of the week, then the maximum temperature gradually increases.

On Tuesday, the relief will begin, the northeast frost can only withstand the northeast, elsewhere the air can heat up to 1-6 degrees. During the day, there may be less snow and snowfall, mainly in the north and east, and then at night, mixed precipitation, even tin rain, can fall in several places. The southwest wind is picking up in several places.
