Index – National – The coronavirus killed 54 people yesterday


The new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) was detected in 1,124 new Hungarian citizens, increasing the number of infected people identified in Hungary to 368,710 .hu published it in its data on February 1.

The number of people cured is currently 264,260 and the number of active people has dropped to 91,872. There are 3,682 hospitalized coronavirus patients, 273 of whom are on ventilators. So far, 237,872 people have been vaccinated, of which 61,266 have already received their second vaccination.

The government’s information page also reported more favorable data for Sunday, when the number of deaths fell by a third. Eighty-nine people died in the last 24 hours and 1,370 new infections were found. By the way, the number of deaths recorded in a coronavirus epidemic has been below a hundred for weeks.

As the vaccination campaign for healthcare workers is completed, those who have registered at ​​or submitted their vaccine claim by mail will also start getting vaccinated today. By the way, Viktor Orbán announced this last Friday on Kossuth Radio.

The Orbán government extended the restrictive measures until March 1. According to this, among other things, it is still only possible to enter the street between eight at night and five in the morning. According to the head of government, it can be seen at Easter at the earliest, when it is worth easing epidemiological restrictions.

The coronavirus vaccine is still free and voluntary, but it’s worth signing up with anyone who wants to receive it.

Hungary is doing its best to have enough vaccines to start mass vaccination – read the government information page. So far, the government has agreed with Russia to purchase enough Sputnik V vaccine to vaccinate one million people. An agreement was reached on Friday to buy another vaccine: there will be enough Chinese Sinopharm vaccine available to vaccinate 2.5 million people over the next 4 months.

So far, we have completed 19.7 million doses of Western vaccines worth tens of billions of guilders from various manufacturers. Of these, only the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines have so far reached Hungary. For the third time in the EU, a vaccine developed jointly by the British-Swedish pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford against a new type of coronavirus also received a marketing authorization from the EU on Friday. This vaccine has already been approved by the Hungarian authorities. So soon you will be able to come to Hungary thanks to this vaccine.

However, the vaccines scheduled for this week must be redesigned by the vaccination team,

because on Sunday, instead of the promised 18,000 doses of vaccine, fewer than 11,000 doses of Moderna were received. The vaccination working group will decide at Monday’s meeting to modify this week’s vaccination plan. As fewer shipments of the Moderna vaccine than promised indicate, vaccine purchases in Brussels are completely unpredictable and few vaccines are arriving, the information page wrote.

(Cover image: Health worker prepares the Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine on vaccination day at the János Kálvin Reformed Home for the Elderly in the capital on January 31, 2021. Photo: Balázs Mohai / MTI)
