Index – National – Tests medical students concerned about their exams


On November 23, a rapid test of health, social, nursery and kindergarten workers, as well as teachers, was launched, in which university students participating in medical and health training also participated. Not everyone is happy with this, there are those who experience the situation as a forced judgment, which in addition to health risks, also makes it difficult to prepare during the exam period.

The Index first wrote (based on a letter from József Bódis, Secretary of State for Higher Education, Innovation and Vocational Training at the Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM)) that students must perform assessment tasks.

The ITM then announced that in controlling the coronavirus epidemic, operational personnel

students must participate even more widely

practical tasks, in particular the national selection of school and kindergarten teachers and nursery workers and, where necessary, social institutions.

It was also written that students have an average of two weeks of internship included in the semester and are therefore paid. Students are entitled to a tax-free rate of HUF 5,000 per day on weekdays and HUF 7,500 per day on weekends.

Thanks again for your sacrifice and cooperation. With their participation, they themselves help prevent the epidemic and ease the burden on healthcare workers.

ITM added.

Government agencies are responsible for directing students. Students whose health condition warrants it, who is pregnant, raising their child alone or personally care for their relative are exempt from the task.

Regarding the testing experience, the president of the Teachers Union (PSZ), Zsuzsa Szabó, told the Index that medical students are skillful, friendly and attentive.

István György, Secretary of State for Territorial Administration of the Prime Minister’s Office, said at the press conference of the operational court that

the students assigned to take the test are very excited and feel the weight of the situation.

He also spoke about testers, including two thousand college students, getting a mask, shield, and cape so they can do their jobs in complete safety.

However, he recalled that

in one county, two students did not want to participate in the tests due to inadequate protective equipment.

According to István György, some political parties “spread fake news” for various profit purposes, making the testing process difficult.

Students are worried about their exams

The Index has received several letters from student readers who are outraged that they didn’t even have a choice. In addition, they were forced to participate in tests during the exam period, when they had to concentrate on preparation.

Missing a week to pass medical exams is also a disadvantage

A student wrote to the index.

Many college students also find their daily allowance disproportionate, receiving the same amount regardless of how many hours they help with tests. There are students who have had to quit their student job and the money they need to earn a living is now partially lost.

All students contacted by the Index said that

They are not opposing or questioning emergency assistance, but the circumstances and the way the current state of emergency has been hit around their necks.

They also added that experience has shown that, where it can, the competent government office has tried to reassign students to give them more time in the afternoon, and most have been posted closer to where they live.

According to a video uploaded to Viktor Orbán’s Facebook page, the prime minister gained personal experience with nationwide testing: he transported medical students and volunteers to Bicske and Tabajd.

What do you think about the idea of ​​being or should you be trying now? How good is that?

Viktor Orbán asks the medical students what he’s transporting.

I think so, I noticed they were happy for him.

One of his passengers answers.

(Cover image: A medical student at the University of Debrecen takes a sample for a coronavirus test from an employee of the Felsőtárkány kindergarten and nursery school on November 25, 2020. Photo: Péter Komka / MTI)
