Teachers’ experiences of mandatory coronavirus school testing after first two days are mixed
He told the Index Zsuzsa Szabó, President of the Teachers Union (PSZ).
Although it may be too early to draw far-reaching conclusions about how the new system will work in such a short time, comments from the capital and county presidents said that most of the research went smoothly and that medical students Those who perform rapid coronavirus antigen tests are skillful, friendly, and attentive.
So far, PSZ colleagues from a single county have indicated that the testing process has been cumbersome and lengthy.
There were several institutions where no coronavirus-positive school workers were found. Elsewhere, for example at a peaceful county school, 11 teachers out of a college of 80 were found to be infected. There was also a faculty whose 5 percent turned out to be a carrier of the coronavirus, albeit asymptomatic.
However, it was also found that not all educators were tested for coronavirus.
According to Zsuzsa Szabó, it would be important, however, PSZ at least urges that among educators who can do so, they use the possibility of state-funded core school tests.
Among other things, to get a clearer idea of the state of education, if schools are really a focal point for the spread of the coronavirus.
Explains the president of the PSZ.
I have already Zsolt BerczelédiThe director of the Sándor Kőrösi Csoma Baptist Secondary School in Budapest, Kőrösi Csoma, adds that the Secretary of State for Education will undoubtedly prepare a summary of the teachers’ infection, which logically can be the basis for subsequent decisions and epidemiological measures.
Mandatory Voluntary Tests for Teachers?
In accordance with a government decree that requires regular coronavirus testing in health, social and educational institutions, teachers can also volunteer for coronavirus testing.
By implication, only those institutions where they have not been in the meantime do not switch to the digital curriculum, nor do they order extraordinary breaks due to massive illnesses.
However, based on the text of the decree, the experts who declared it to the Index emphasized that even teachers and faculty members must present themselves at the place of study at the given time in the same way, which is the school they represent. the workplace based on previous experience.
According to Zsuzsa Szabó, there were no major interruptions in the organization of the exams in the first days, the heads of the institutions will be informed about the health students when they come to take the tests, so that they can organize the replacements and the schedule without any problem .
Contradictions around teachers’ sick pay
The decree, which came into effect on November 19, also states that if an educator has a previous coronavirus test, he or she can activate a school test with a finding to that effect, this does not need to be done again.
The person designated by the school for this assignment completes a questionnaire about the test results. One copy of the form is sent to the teacher himself and the examinees submit the other to the county or medical director. If a teacher tests positive for a coronavirus taken at school, they should report it to their GP immediately.
The corona-positive teacher, of course, will be sent home from the institution immediately, but from here the situation is somewhat controversial as to which of the coronavirus teachers is entitled to 100 and 60 percent, respectively.
That is why the PSZ does not even know an educator who would not allow them to take the test, for fear that they would send them sick leave as an asymptomatic positive corona, with which they would be entitled to only sixty percent of their already low salary.
That is why the PSZ has indicated to the Ministry of Human Resources that educators who are at high risk of contagion and who work in the community on a daily basis will receive 100% of the sick pay this time if they contract the coronavirus.
– Zsuzsa Szabó recalled.
Among other things, the professional organization has achieved this in addition to the mandatory daily measurement of school fever, but the additional sick pay is not automatically paid to teachers. In order to receive the amount owed (that is, 100 percent of sick pay) in two payments, the educator himself must prove that he became ill while working at his workplace.
Furthermore, this can be applied by individual educators on the basis of an individual assessment, as a result of a relatively slow and complicated process, which places them in another very vulnerable position: the president of the PSZ assesses the situation of educators in the second wave of the coronavirus.
Top image: Rapid coronavirus tests at Black István Elementary School in Mosonmagyaróvár on November 24, 2020. MTI / Csaba Krizsán