Index – National – Szijjártó disappointed and concerned about spreading false news from northern foreign ministers


On Monday, Péter Szijjártó sent the five northern European countries to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden) Ambassador in Budapest, because he believed that his foreign ministers were spreading false news, they did not tell the truth when they assured the Secretary General of the Council of Europe (CoE) concerned about his support for the Hungarian coronavirus law.

Hungarian is a nation of more than a thousand years, that does not ask for pathetically hypocritical custody.

wrote the minister. Now he has also approached the foreign ministers of those countries in a letter, in the last letter he writes that

The spread of false news about certain countries of the European family only leads to division and undermines the functioning of these multilateral institutions.

Szijjártó expresses his concern and frustration that the ministers in his letter “refer specifically to Hungary and the measures taken by the government to combat the coronary virus epidemic.” He further regretted that the assurances given in various forums on the necessity and proportionality of the Hungarian coronavirus law have not allayed his concerns and that his “unfounded and politically motivated attacks” against Hungary have not ceased.

Péter Szijjártó emphasized that this law actually expands Parliament’s prerogatives vis-à-vis the Hungarian government. It does not contain any restrictions on the activities of Parliament, it continues to exercise supervision and control. In addition, the law gives Parliament the ability to revoke the authorization at any time, he added. “The government can take special measures only if they are necessary and proportionate in light of the evolution of the epidemic to protect the life, health, safety and economic stability of citizens,” he said.

Parliament continues to meet and all institutions and authorities will continue their work, read the letter. Recently, the government liked to sit in parliament, as a CNN journalist believed in an interview that, since then, it has not been trying to blur all the problems related to emergency measures with this.

The measures taken under the Coronavirus Control Act will only remain in effect until the end of the emergency. The essence of the European Council is open dialogue and cooperation.

– The Minister said, adding that he was still ready to discuss any concerns in person. According to Szijjártó, the Hungarian people were mature enough to make appropriate decisions about the future of their own country, and asked not to question this ability.
