Index – National – Szél and Hadházy perform public charity work for bagpipe demonstrations instead of fines


The two independent parliamentarians, Bernadett Szél and Ákos Hadházy, organized several bagpipe protests last spring against the release of hospital beds, against the so-called “Kásler plan”. Processes and lawsuits have been filed against various participants, but according to the announcement by the two deputies, no one but them will have to pay a fine for the bagpipes.

In a joint online press conference, Ákos Hadházy emphasized that the authorities were trying to avoid noisy demonstrations with a very harsh and brutal punishment wave.

According to the deputy, this also showed that the Orbán government is “afraid” that the Hungarian people will express their opinion at the same time. “I want us to be quiet,” he added.

The judicial process was closed and the court annulled in all cases the sanctions for the violation of the bagpipe. This is a very important message, you can whine!

Ákos Hadházy said. Although the court ruled that humming contradicts the traffic sign, but if it is done for the expression of opinion, it is not punishable.

Ákos Hadházy advises anyone visiting the Chain Bridge in Clark Ádám Square that if they want to send a message to the Prime Minister, they should “trumpet and hum.”

It is important that the Prime Minister does not believe that we are silent. Don’t think most Hungarians support it

– declared the unregistered deputy.

He also said that he and Bernadette Szél – already as a moderate punishment – were fined 100,000 florins per head for announcing the thunderous demonstrations.

The fine will not be paid, it will be processed for community service.

Veterinarian Hadházy would be happy to do this as an auxiliary nurse in an animal shelter or hospital.

Bernadett Szél is proud of the Hungarian citizens who participated in the bagpipe demonstrations in some way. He believes that nothing has improved in the country since Kassler’s plan.

Because of the Hungarian government, the coronavirus epidemic hit the country without any preparation

He declared.

Wind Bernadett wouldn’t want to pay a penny for “this power of attorney” so he would take a job as a family helper or in healthcare.
